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Netherlands / Germany / Austria - Anarchist Communist Event
Wednesday August 29 2018
11:00 PM

Call to Action: “Disarming Rheinmetall – war starts here”

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category netherlands / germany / austria | imperialism / war | anarchist communist event author Sunday August 05, 2018 23:51author by someone, but could be anyone Report this post to the editors

Statement by a collective that is aiming to stop the weapon manufactur 'Rheinmetall'.
Rheinmetall produces for example tanks that are used by turkey for their ethnic cleansing of rojava. War starts here and it is about us to do something against.

A protest camp just next to a Rheinmetall production area will take place from 29.08.2018 - 04.09.2018 in Germany in Unterlues.

German weapons are involved in killing on a global scale. With respect to arms exports, Germany is ranked fourth worldwide and even second in the EU. In the past ten years Rheinmetall managed to become one of the largest players in the munitions industry without causing an outcry.

With the help of subsidiaries overseas, Rheinmetall even succeeds in bypassing those few rules on arms exports that are in existence, leading to sales in war zones and crisis regions. The consequences are profitable and bloody at the same time: people are dying due to bombs that were produced by Rheinmetall in Italy. Against international law, Turkey is at war in Afrin, Northern Syria, with the help of Leopard 2 tanks. The Turkish NATO army annihilates societal structures which were pointing the way ahead in previous years concerning women’s liberation, grassroots democracy, and ecology .

In partnership with this regime, Rheinmetall aims at building a munitions factory as well as producing tanks in Turkey. Moreover, Rheinmetall is building a factory for the Fox armored transport vehicle in Algeria. This list could be continued for quite some time.

We do not want to allow Rheinmetall to keep on killing people with their armaments any longer.

It is clear from the start that the discussion about export controls and human rights does not play any role in reality. German policy does not defend any moral values abroad but strives to sell German products, including military equipment. Although 80 % of the German population object to these arms exports, the ones responsible seem to be sparsely impressed. In the past, multiple protests against Rheinmetall have been executed already: for instance, camps and actions at Rheinmetall factories and at the German Army’s Combat Training Centre (GÜZ) based in the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide which is also run by the company. This year, we want to build on those with a demonstration, a peace camp, and various actions at Rheinmetall’s production site in Unterlüß. Hereby, we collectively speak out against defense production and its direct consequences such as war, terror, forced migration, and poverty.

The activities surrounding the Anti-war Day on 1 September do not only signify our resistance against a defense contractor, but also our campaign for another world. We want to discuss the transition from a destructive industry to civil and ecological production instead. We want to stand up for peaceful and social cooperation instead of murder and fierce competition. We cannot bear a world full of discrimination and repression any longer.

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Embedded Video Description: War starts here - lets stop it

author by someone, but could be anyonepublication date Thu Aug 09, 2018 17:57Report this post to the editors

The struggle against Rheinmetall can take place simultaneously in multible places and is not limited to your capabilities of traveling to Unterlues in Germany.

Neither would it be usefull to limit our resistance in the timeframe of the camp. Extend it as long it is sustainable for you.
If war starts here, we must stop it here. Even so many of those reading here might be privilidged enough to turn away from it, it yet remains our responsibility.

Udate from the orga team of the camp:

The state is just as they done in camps during G20 in Hamburg, tryn to forbit that people will sleep there.
So it is now taken to the court, in hope they redefine the made desicion. In any case, we will choose resistance.

author by nyonepublication date Tue Aug 14, 2018 19:43Report this post to the editors

We have to admit that the part of the war industry that is maintaining the tools, weapons and narratives to enable this war starts within countries we might live in.
We need revolutionaries on all sides of this struggle.

A map of some weapon manufactures that are and have deployed weapons to turkey from germany:

mark, sabotage, resist

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