Victorian Labor Premier Daniel Andrews scored a crushing win in the Victorian election: Mr Andrews and wife Catherine ...

Landslide win for Labor in Victoria

Daniel Andrews' Labor Party is set to be returned to government in Victoria for a second term, in a crushing defeat for Matthew Guy's Liberal-National coalition.

The Hayne inquiry has proved to be the best blood sport in town.

Bankers under the blowtorch

The country couldn't look away this week as some of our top bankers were grilled on private conversations and boardroom machinations.

Auction clearances stall at 40pc

Sydney and Melbourne's auction clearances stalled at 40 per cent for another weekend as a new threat to consumption emerges from falling house prices.

RCR Tomlinson's 'greedy' solar splurge

The spectacular collapse of engineering group RCR Tomlinson, which crashed into administration months after a $100m raising, is the story of a company that flew too close to the sun – literally.

US urges allies to avoid Huawei

The US is contacting key allies to get them to persuade telecom companies in their countries to avoid China's Huawei, the Wall Street Journal reported.

"I want to make it crystal clear we will be undertaking more court-based actions," Mr Shipton told the commission on Friday.

ASIC faces independent oversight

Corporate Australia faces years of litigation after the Hayne royal commission exposed ASIC for being a soft-touch regulator that was too close to the banks.

The three major US indexes all fell well over 3 per cent for the week, with the Dow industrials and the Nasdaq posting ...

S&P; 500 confirms correction

US stocks closed lower in a shortened post-holiday trading session on Friday as the energy sector tumbled on continued weakness in oil prices.

"The challenge for the Fed is managing an economy that is transitioning through an inflection point. The odds are very ...

Fed unlikely to bow to markets

The nasty sell-off in equities has raised doubts about the Fed's willingness to boost rates again in December. It shouldn't.

Right is wrong to lose faith in growth

The idea that public policy should place a large amount of emphasis on the economy's rate of growth is under assault by the political right as well as the left.

ASX's 'Santa rally' under threat

Investors may find their Christmas stockings rather empty if the traditional year-end market rally fails to materialise due to weak consumer spending.

Recent market volatility highlights how cheap financial credit is relative to almost all other asset classes.

How to capitalise on market chaos

Recent market volatility highlights how cheap financial credit is relative to almost all other asset classes, despite a big deleveraging of banks, writes Christopher Joye.


Greens face backlash after rape allegation

The Greens are facing brand damage from allegations of sexual assault in the two largest states which could spark a backlash in elections in Victoria, NSW and federally by May.

Andrews and Pallas at odds on new taxes

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has ruled out any new taxes to pay for their $80 billion-plus infrastructure agenda but Treasurer Tim Pallas has refused to do the same.

Hopefully some of the crisis-fighting skills learned by Argentina's President Mauricio Macri are transferable to the G20.

G20 must not surrender to bilateral bullying

Donald Trump is no fan of the G20, but the meeting in Buenos Aires later this week is a chance to push for liberalised trade in services and reforming the World Trade Organisation.

French protests take aim at Macron

Shouts of "Macron resign!" and "Macron get lost!" punctuated the booms from tear gas and water cannons as police forced protesters from the "Yellow Jackets" movement away from the Elysee Palace.

Australian Financial Review - India Business Summit 2018.  Photograph shows the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison ...

Moving beyond curry and cricket

Modern India has some sound opportunities for patient capital but if we are to forge stronger investment and trade ties, we have to stop talking about sport and food.

Personal Finance

"The best prospect I see for the transformational change that's required are women and young Australians," John Lawrence ...

The barrister who takes no prisoners

Youth detention conditions in the Northern Territory are little changed, even after the royal commission, barrister John Lawrence tells Lunch with the AFR.

Life in the age of Trump

Professor Aaron Chatterji forces his students to take and defend controversial positions that real CEOs confront while under attack from President Donald Trump.