Fujifilm X-T3 camera review: more ecstasy, less pain than ever

Fujifilm's X-T3 is thoroughly old school, and thoroughly modern, both at once.
Fujifilm's X-T3 is thoroughly old school, and thoroughly modern, both at once. Supplied

Forget about the fact that Fujifilm's new camera, the X-T3, may well be the best camera you can buy right now if you want to shoot video as well as stills photography.

Forget, too, about the fact that the X-T3 has finally fixed Fujifilm's foremost flaw – its lack of decent face and eye detection for fast, accurate portraiture focusing – and brought it up to speed with the rest of the industry and almost up there with the very best.

Beautiful black and white photos

There is one simple reason the staff here at Digital Life Labs have fallen head over heels for Fujifilm's latest and arguably best-ever camera: ACROS +2 Warmth.

ACROS is one of Fujifilm's newer film simulations, which lets you take black-and-white photos that you would almost swear were shot with actual black-and-white film, all the way down to the grain size that varies depending on the ISO (film speed) the camera is set to. It's been around since the X-T2, and it's beautiful.


What's new in the X-T3 is the ability to tone black-and-white photos in the camera, adding either warmth or coolness to the photos so not only would you swear they were shot on film, you would also swear that the photos had then been printed on fibre-based paper and then washed in some type of toning solution.

I've never used a camera that takes me back so immediately, so directly to the many long hours spent in darkrooms, printing photos and then toning them with selenium.

The only difference between the old process and the new one is that, with the X-T3, the new image processor is so good you can see the toned black-and-white photographs in the viewfinder, before you even take the photo; and dialling up a little warmth or coolness (it goes up to +9, but we preferred the more subtle toning settings like +1 or +2) on the camera's menu system is far better for your health than breathing in some toxic toning chemical.

(Though, like many people, I do miss the smell of the darkroom.)

A comprehensive set of knobs and dials mean you only have to use the menus occasionally.
A comprehensive set of knobs and dials mean you only have to use the menus occasionally.

I'm being a little glib, of course, saying you should forget about the many, diverse strengths of the new Fujifilm X-T3, and just think about ACROS +2 warmth. And I will get into some of those other strengths presently.

But, equally, one shouldn't forget what it is that makes the Fujifilm brand so appealing: the way its cameras, more than any other brand on the market, capture the heart and soul of the passing film era, and bring it into the digital era.

They do this in two ways: through the use of old-fashioned knobs and dials that make the cameras look and feel like old-fashioned film cameras (and, in doing so, greatly simplify the shot-to-shot operation of the camera, giving you enough knobs and dials that you need delve into the menu system only occasionally); and through the use of film simulations, which we think are better on Fujifilm cameras than on any other cameras – unsurprisingly, I suppose, given Fujifilm was and still is (if only just) a film manufacturer.

Great for portraits

There's a silver model and a black model.
There's a silver model and a black model.

But there are benefits to be gained from the modern, digital era, not the least of which is the way focusing has improved dramatically in recent years, especially with cameras like the Sony A9 and A7 III which can grab onto a subject's eye and stay focused on it with laser-like precision.

As someone who likes to shoot portraits with very shallow focus, and who has had to discard far too many portraits due to one or both eyes being fractionally out of focus, focusing that automatically locks onto faces and eyes is a godsend.

And now that feature has been overhauled on the Fujifilm X-T3, it's a godsend, too.

You can set the camera to automatically lock onto the subject's left eye, their right eye, either eye or just their face in general, and for the most part it does a very good job at delivering photos with usable focus, even when the subject is wearing glasses or has his or her face turned slightly away from the camera.

Accessories are available such as this battery grip. But the standard grip is very good anyway, so the battery grip is ...
Accessories are available such as this battery grip. But the standard grip is very good anyway, so the battery grip is more about the extra batteries and the extra buttons you get for shooting in portrait mode.

When there are more than two people in the frame, the focusing system can get a little confused and jump between them, and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell the camera which of the faces to focus on.

In that respect, it's not quite as good as the face/eye detection system on the latest Sony cameras, which lets you register someone's face as a favourite, so it stays in focus even when other faces appear in the frame, and which also lets you prioritise registered faces so that if you're shooting a wedding, for instance, the bride will get chosen over the groom who will get chosen over the maid of honour who will get chosen over the best man, and so on and so forth until you're into the relatives and friends, at which time all bets are off.

We wish the focus system on the X-T3 were as sophisticated as it is on the Sony, but it's still pretty good and a healthy improvement on previous Fujifilm cameras we've reviewed.

Not that eye and face detection is quite as important on the X-T3 as it is on, say, the Sony A7 III. Like most of Fujifilm's cameras, the X-T3 has an APS-C image sensor, which is physically smaller than the full-frame image sensor on the Sony A7 III, meaning that when everything else is equal, the focus on the Fujifilm won't be quite as shallow as the focus on the Sony.


What that means to you depends on what you think of shallow focus. We absolutely love it (and indeed, completely out-of-focus photography when it's done right), but the full-frame and medium-format cameras that offer the shallowest focus do come with the considerable drawback that their lenses are substantially bigger and heavier than smaller formats like APS-C and Micro Four Thirds.

As such, the X-T3 is a nice compromise. It's still reasonably compact for travelling, and yet it offers vastly better focus control than you might be used to from your mobile phone, which of course offers the ultimate in portability, but which will take photos in which everyone and everything is in sharp focus, not just the bride and the groom but also the fifth cousin twice removed who's off having a smoko in the car park.

And, of course, the photo from your phone won't be shot in ACROS +2 Warmth, so it won't melt your heart.


  • Likes Deeply satisfying to use, deeply satisfying images
  • Dislikes Would love a full-frame version, for even better focus control
  • Price $2499 (body only)