Data61's plan to find Australia's next great industries

Adrian Turner, the head of CSIRO's Data61 unit says we're underestimating the wave of disruption about to hit Australia.
Adrian Turner, the head of CSIRO's Data61 unit says we're underestimating the wave of disruption about to hit Australia. Peter Braig

Adrian Turner says you're underestimating the wave of disruption about to hit Australia.The head of the CSIRO's crack Data61 unit says we haven't wrapped our collective minds around the real impacts of digitisation. We are thinking too much about relatively minor operational efficiencies that technology is bringing to Australian industry – but changes just over the horizon will be far more profound.

Traditional economic orthodoxies are being overturned. Companies will morph into "platforms". Common notions of industrial supply chains will be radically overhauled, as industry boundaries as you know them are wiped out.

Think Amazon moving into supermarkets, Apple into healthcare, and Google into transport. New technologies will create structural changes across the whole economy. All this will combine with the "internet of things" to deliver a fourth Industrial Revolution.

To avoid being left behind, Australia needs to quickly get onto the front foot, Turner argues. This will require developing a new sense of national confidence, creating more visionary leaders, mobilising information technology know-how and taking on more risk in corporate Australia.

Data61 is looking at precision medicine, automated regulation, digital currency, food provenance and real-time freight ...
Data61 is looking at precision medicine, automated regulation, digital currency, food provenance and real-time freight tracking.

With an annual operating budget of more than $100 million, Data61 has been established to assist with all these things, and its leader says the future is bright.


"I am really optimistic," says Turner, ahead of his appearance at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit next week. "We are better placed than we realise that we are. We need to be confident to lead and get on with it."

Data61 is not yet nine months old. It opened for business on July 1 last year, born from the federal government's 2015 innovation statement, when the body National Information Communications Technology Australia was merged into the CSIRO to form the new entity.

It has already formed a network of 23 universities, 90 corporate partners, and various federal and state government departments. Together with Data61's own staff of 1200, drawn from more than 70 countries, teams are currently mapping out strategies to develop new industries for Australia – and to ensure the right skills are developed to serve those industries.

So what are some of the future drivers of Australia's future economy? Among Data61's key areas of focus are precision medicine, automated regulation, digital currency, food provenance and real-time freight tracking.

Primary areas of its research include cyber-physical systems, machine learning and analytics, including the emerging science of sensors, robotics and the internet of things. It is also studying future software and new internet architecture including blockchain.

And recognising that how humans interact with computers will define the workforce of the future, Data61 is also studying decision sciences and behavioural economics, including a project led by an anthropologist to investigate human interactions with the new digital world.

Business has to take more risks to get growth growing again, Turner says. To foster a new sense of entrepreneurialism and hone the growth focus of traditional organisations, Data61 is encouraging reskilling. It is working on a robotics curriculum that will feed into high schools to inspire more kids to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects, and is also working with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

"We want to show them how a culture focused on risk and compliance needs to become one of growth," Turner says. "We want to help lift digital literacy within boards."

At this week's AFR Business Summit, Turner will focus on leadership. "Australia has, over its history, been good at modifying other people's ideas. But at this point in time, we need to be leaders – to have a point of view on where the world going. This requires entrepreneurship, in order to open up new industries and to look at what needs to happen to get there," he says.

Australia is not short on scientific, engineering and creative talent. Data61 counts one-third of all the PhDs in information, communications and technology – 415 students – as part of its network, either on scholarships or working on collaborative research projects. One of Australia's big challenges is finding sufficient entrepreneurs to put all of this ICT talent to best use for the economy.

To bolster the local ecosystem, Data61 is engaging with networks abroad and is seeking to attract global multinationals to establish primary research and development operations in Australia. Part of the pitch: Australia can be used to test new products and provide a safe launching pad into Asia.

Automated regulation

Workers at Data61, based in the Australian Technology Park in the inner-Sydney suburb of Redfern, are arranged in parallel streams: the researchers, who might work on technology projects with a three to five-year time horizon; and separate teams of product managers, who translate the scientific work to apply it to real markets and industries.

Among the projects currently under way that highlight the looming disruption of industries is the project to automatically interpret legislation and regulations, using machine learning and artificial intelligence technology. Deloitte estimates $250 billion is spent by business in Australia every year on compliance. Data61 is in the process of putting all of Australia's corporations laws and regulations into computer code, which will allow small business to get answers to questions around compliance and to navigate legislation without having to engage lawyers.

As part of its study of computer systems for sharing data, Data61 is preparing a detailed report on distributed ledger technology, also known as blockchain, which will be delivered to the government in March. Not only will it explore particular use cases but also the need for protocols to enable different blockchains to interact.

As more and more data is generated and companies seek to mine it for customer and strategic insights, data integrity will be critical. Data61 is therefore researching several new trends in information technology and data analysis. In "confidential computing" analysis can be run over encrypted data so data can deliver insights without accessing raw data itself, and in "fuzzy matching" units of records in two different enterprises relating to the same individual can be matched without describing that individual's identity.

Turner says he hopes Data61 can turn into something like Israel's Unit 8200, a crack squad which attracts the country's smartest technology talent to work on national and world-shaping projects. Involvement also accelerates careers through membership of an alumni network that encourages knowledge to be distributed through the technology community, to the benefit of the national economy.