Fear index rising after long period of calm

Elvira Sojli : Volatility can be viewed as another tradeable asset.
Elvira Sojli : Volatility can be viewed as another tradeable asset. Wolter Peeters
by James Dunn

When the sharemarkets were rattled in October by their worst month in years – in which only a rally in the last few days of the month saved many major indexes from a technical correction (down 10 per cent) – volatility returned with a vengeance.

The major gauge of volatility, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index, or VIX – known as the "fear index" – more than doubled in October, before ending the month 93 per cent higher than it began. The Australian measure, the S&P;/ASX 200 VIX also doubled at one point in October, retreating to post a 57 per cent surge over the month.

Statistically, those movements definitely qualify as a volatility surge. But in the context of a market environment in which volatility has been historically low for close to a decade – even falling below 10 on the VIX in 2017 and 2018 – it could be argued that pushing into the 20s, as the VIX did in October, is, historically speaking, not such a big deal.

"Yes, doubling in a month is a spike, but there is definitely a bit of a feeling that traders have been somewhat spoiled by volatility being so low, relatively speaking, for so long," says UNSW's Professor Elvira Sojli, head of digital finance at the Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC). 

"Traders generally like to see some volatility, because it gives them opportunities to take positions and make trades, but too much volatility can be too much of a good thing. You are always going to have volatility in the market, because there is information entering the market, which changes prices.


"There are two kinds of volatility, whole-market volatility where information from the political front but also from the economic front impacts markets, but also individual-stock volatility, when information on individual companies enters the market," Soili says.

"Both of these kinds contributed to the October spike. But traders are – or should be – well-versed in protecting themselves through various means such as stop-loss orders, putting on hedges, adapting their position sizes. The thing about the effect of heightened volatility that traders don't like is that it can lower liquidity, as market participants decide to sit it out."

Trading bots

With such high proportions of market turnover accounted for by automated trading algorithms and "bots" these days, the blame for the volatility spike is often laid at the feet of these tools – which Sojli says is inaccurate.

"Trading bots are only programmed to make trades that humans want, in a more systematic way. The algorithmic traders are operating on behalf of pension funds, insurance companies, managed funds, and the 'bots' are used by individual investors.

"We've seen in some of the recent extreme market events – such as the 'flash crash' of October 2016 [when the British pound suddenly plunge to a 31-year low against the US dollar] that the automatic traders can have a big impact, but more because they basically stop participating in the market. Once the automated traders stop participating in the market, prices then will have to jump around a lot more, because there's not enough liquidity," Sojli says.

However, she says that "cascading stop-loss orders" placed by automated traders in a market downturn "can end up creating more volatility".

Kevin Algeo, chief executive officer, IG Australia and New Zealand, agrees that liquidity is a bigger worry for investors than volatility. "Generally, traders do like a degree of volatility, to get in and out of trades where there's price movement, because they usually don't want to have to sit on trades for a long time. But where volatility can turn into too much of a good thing – and be very difficult to handle – is when it spikes quickly.

"It's a common misconception about traders, that they like it when prices move extremely quickly, but they don't, because of the effect on liquidity. When liquidity dries up, it's not only the price levels that you're looking at moving around, but your actual ability to get in and out of trades at the levels you want may be compromised," he says.

Of course, with market volatility now having been indexed, traders who are worried about it can easily hedge anticipated volatility in the sharemarket, using futures on the VIX indexes. Both in the US and Australia, the VIX is simply a calculation of the weighted prices for call and put options over the market index: the VIX reflects these weighted prices as the underlying options are traded, and from that, represents the market's forward anticipation of volatility.

"It's quite simple to hedge, trade and arbitrage a position in volatility," Sojli says. Rather than just being a feature of the market that traders have to deal with, volatility can be viewed as simply another tradeable asset."