10 questions with Fortescue CEO Elizabeth Gaines reveal her biggest office peeve

Fortescue CEO Elizabeth Gaines says she's excited by "how technology is changing the way we operate and providing ...
Fortescue CEO Elizabeth Gaines says she's excited by "how technology is changing the way we operate and providing opportunities to automate". FRANCES ANDRIJICH

Elizabeth Gaines will soon mark her first year as chief executive of Fortescue Metals Group. Here she answers our questions.

1. How would you describe your leadership style?

Direct, straight talking. I’m the coach of a high-performance, empowered team. My job is to encourage, guide and hold them accountable for their results.

2. What would you tell your younger self?

Elizabeth Gaines: "I like to get into the office early and catch up on the global news before the day begins."
Elizabeth Gaines: "I like to get into the office early and catch up on the global news before the day begins." Frances Andrijich

Say “yes” more often than “no” and be open to new ideas and opportunities. Fortunately, I have followed this approach.


3. Most important question when hiring?

Tell me about the toughest conversation you’ve had in business and its consequences.

4. What excites you right now?

How technology is changing the way we operate and providing opportunities to automate.

5. When do your best ideas come?

When I’m faced with a complex problem that has more than one potential solution.

6. What office habits annoy you?

Being presented with the same data many times in different formats.

7. Early riser or night owl? 

I’m an early riser, to fit in exercise or catch early flights. I like to get into the office early and catch up on the global news before the day begins.

8. Favourite holiday spot?

Hard to pick one but these days I love my own backyard of Western Australia. From the Kimberley to Margaret River, you can’t beat it.

9. Last good book, podcast or film?

Actually, the last good entertainment was the Sydney Theatre Company’s The Long Forgotten Dream, a fantastic perspective on contemporary Australia.

10. How do you unwind?

A walk through the bush or by the beach with my husband and our two dogs, followed by a glass of Margaret River white wine at the end of the day.

Read the full interview with Elizabeth Gaines in AFR BOSS magazine, out on Friday.