Is Labor's energy plan really a wrecking ball for industry?

Is Labor's energy plan really a wrecking ball for industry?

If electricity ever stops flowing to the Tomago aluminium smelter, the results could be catastrophic. Molten metal in potlines would start to solidify. If enough equipment was ruined, the future of the entire plant would be at risk. Jobs may be lost, a community plunged into crisis.

Where better for Energy Minister Angus Taylor to head as Labor launched its energy policy on Thursday? Clad in a high-vis vest at the plant near Newcastle, he declared Labor's plan to transition to renewables a veritable death knell for Australia’s manufacturers. Electricity prices would lurch upwards. The lights would go out.

"If we want to keep heavy industry going in this country .... we’ve got to have low-cost affordable reliable sources of power,” Mr Taylor said.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, with Victorian state Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, out selling his energy policy in Brunswick on Friday.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, with Victorian state Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio, out selling his energy policy in Brunswick on Friday.Credit:AAP

"[Labor] need to explain which aluminium smelters and refineries are going to shut. They need to explain which fertiliser factories, which cement factories are going to shut. The truth is that these [emissions reduction] targets, these reckless targets will be a wrecking ball through the economy. We won't stand for it."


After five years in government, the Coalition has been unable to fashion an energy policy to satisfy those in its own divided ranks. Labor plans to bring renewables to 50 per cent of the electricity mix by 2030, including a $15 billion investment for new clean energy generations and electricity grid upgrades, and $200 million for battery storage to back-up household rooftop solar.

Central to Labor’s approach is reviving the National Energy Guarantee – a plan developed by the government to reduce emissions and boost affordability and reliability in the electricity sector. That Labor has adopted a plan of Coalition origin means the government has few grounds to criticise the framework itself. But as Mr Taylor’s comments on Thursday confirmed, the government will continue to stoke fears over the price and reliability consequences of Labor’s higher emissions reduction target – 45 per cent by 2030, based on 2005 levels.

The government had proposed a 26 per cent emissions cut over the same period, in line with the Paris climate commitment. It dumped that target when Scott Morrison became prime minister, but says the electricity sector is on track to make those emissions cuts regardless.

Tomago Aluminium chief executive Matt Howell – whose operation is NSW’s largest electricity user – on Thursday questioned how the smelter would keep running when intermittent renewable energy displaced baseload coal power under Labor’s policy.

"How will we achieve [Labor’s targets] and keep the lights on for manufacturing?" he reportedly asked.

"If Australia wants to be a nation that makes things – bricks, glass, cement, steel and aluminium in particular – you’ve got to have internationally affordable and reliable energy."

Solar Panels on a home in Hoppers Crossing.

Solar Panels on a home in Hoppers Crossing.Credit:Justin McManus

Labor’s climate change and energy spokesman Mark Butler told Fairfax Media the Australian Aluminium Council, of which Tomago Aluminium is a member, "was one of the many business organisations that urged this government not to walk away from the National Energy Guarantee" and more recently urged the government not to divorce emissions from national energy policy.

"We’ve had an energy crisis under the Liberal government and they still can't offer anything besides three-word slogans, empty promises and scare campaigns," he said.

Frontier Economics managing director Danny Price was commissioned to conduct official modelling for the Coalition’s energy guarantee, and in recent days updated the work to compare scenarios with a 45 per cent and 26 per cent cut in emissions. He found that "reliability issues are no different at all" under each scenario, nor were there differences in prices.

Mr Price said in the absence of strong Coalition policies and assuming emissions reductions of about 26 per cent, Labor-led jurisdictions of Victoria, Queensland and the ACT would fill the void by pursuing their own stronger renewable energy targets.


This could lead to the "disorderly exit of the coal generators" and drive power prices up, Mr Price said.

While not criticising those schemes, Mr Price said they were "not the most efficient way of transitioning the power system ... It’s much better if you do it on a national basis and use a broad range of technologies not just renewables".

Under Labor’s policy, states may not need to run their own schemes or could be brought in line with a national policy, making the renewable transition more efficient, he said.

Respected energy economist Bruce Mountain, director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre, has advised government departments and regulators.

He said analysis his organisation is due to release next month would show "the expansion of wind and solar capacity is likely to bring [electricity] prices down far more quickly than would be the case if it didn’t expand".

He disputed claims that state-based renewables schemes led to coal plant closures, saying the closures occurred when coal mines were exhausted and coal plants reached the end of their lives.

On the question of reliability, Dr Mountain cited a report by the Australian Energy Market Operator released in July that modelled various rates of transition to renewables.

"AEMO has not given us any reason to imagine there is a crisis [if renewables take a 50 per cent share of the mix] ... they aren’t saying should wind and solar expand to that level, there is a problem," he said.

While it was not yet known exactly how the market would evolve to ensure supplies remained reliable under a much greater clean energy share, "there are many states and regions of countries which have wind and solar at that level already".

Labor says AEMO's report, known as its integrated system plan, confirms that new coal power is more expensive than renewables "firmed" or backed up by storage such as pumped hydro or batteries.

Labor's energy spokesman Mark Butler.

Labor's energy spokesman Mark Butler.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Taylor was unable to produce modelling on Thursday to support claims Labor's energy plan represented an economic wrecking ball, saying the conclusion was "just straight maths".

"If you want to halve the emissions out of the electricity grid ... you've got to take out activity that emits. And that activity ... is agriculture, it is the industry, it is transport and it is smelters like this one," he said.

Labor is yet to reveal plans for how it will cut emissions across other sectors to meet its 45 per cent economy-wide target.

It has not committed to a price on carbon. But Mr Butler this week said there would be "an emissions-trading type scheme" for high-polluting industries, which is likely to include manufacturing and liquefied natural gas among others. This means the carbon emissions of companies in those sectors would be restricted and they would be required to buy permits for pollution they emit over that level.

The transport sector is also reportedly expected to be held to a 45 per cent emissions reduction target under a Labor government, partly through emissions standards, and land clearing in the agriculture sector is likely to be curbed.

The Australian Industry Group welcomed the potential move but said it must be structured so trade-exposed industries were not made uncompetitive.

An emissions trading scheme is different to a carbon price, which adds a cost to all emissions but does not cap them.

However the government, sniffing out a new line of pre-election attack, accused Labor of planning for "Carbon Tax 2.0".

"Labor needs to go back to the drawing board on their energy plan,” Mr Taylor said, claiming Labor was reliving the "horror movie" of energy policy in the Rudd-Gillard years.

After 15 years of energy policy chaos, Dr Mountain called on all parties to stick to the facts. "It would be good if there was a critique [of energy policies] that was informed by the economics and the engineering," he said.

"At the moment it’s not – it’s informed by the politics of the situation."

Nicole Hasham is environment and energy correspondent for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WAtoday.