
26/11 lessons at Cama hospital: 87 CCTVs, 70 guards keep vigil
Stories of Strength

26/11 lessons at Cama hospital: 87 CCTVs, 70 guards keep vigil

Over 150 patients had come under attack when armed with AK-47 rifles, Pakistani terrorists Mohamed Ajmal Amir Kasab and Abu Ismail Khan had stormed through…

Violence, theirs and ours
Stories of Strength

Violence, theirs and ours

‘Terror’ is an artifact of the theory of terrorism, a way of interpreting things in the world. Our eager embrace of the theory of ‘terrorism’…


With at least 166 people losing their lives and over 300 injured, the attacks, that lasted over three nights, shook Mumbai’s core. We speak to 26 of those who were affected, and have stood up, determined to live their dreams.


November 26, 2008 was one of the darkest days in the history of Mumbai. Here is a 360-degree look at what happened that fateful night and the days that followed.