About the Awards

As part of centenary year celebrations of its founder, Ramnath Goenka, The Express Group instituted the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards. The Awards aim to celebrate excellence in journalism, recognize courage and commitment and showcase outstanding contributions and individuals every year.

The most prestigious annual event in the Indian media calender, pays tribute to journalists from Print & Broadcast, who maintain the highest standards of their profession despite being in the face of political and economic pressures, who still manage to produce work that generates and sustains public trust in the media and impact the lives of people.

Award Categories


    This award will recognize outstanding journalistic efforts from two of the most challenging regions in India for any reporter: J&K and the Northeast.

    Print/Digital & Broadcast - The prize money for each category is 1,00,000/-


    This award will go to a journalist each in Print & Broadcast media whose coverage of an event or issue stood out for excellence, independence, depth, quality and impact in the national language.

    Print/Digital & Broadcast - The prize money for each category is 1,00,000/-


    This award will go to a journalist each in Print & Broadcast media whose coverage of an event or issue stood out for excellence, quality, independence, depth and impact in the regional languages.

    Print/Digital & Broadcast - The prize money for each category is 1,00,000/-


The criteria for awards in Print/Digital & Broadcast journalism are significance of a news story, resourcefulness & courage in gathering information, & skill in relating the story apart from:

  • 1. Degree of difficulty/ logistical challenges experienced
  • 2. Comprehensiveness of the report
  • 3. Resources available and means used for gathering information.

Journalists working for any Indian newspapers/ magazines/ online / TV channels (published/telecast in the country) are eligible to apply. Indian language papers should send in their stories along with translations in English. All foreign correspondents can also apply. If the story is in a language other than English the translations should be sent along with the stories.

Contact us

Send any Query or Feedback:
Please type the text visible in the image
Send the entry form at the following address:
Ramnath Goenka Memorial Foundation
The Express Building,
B1/B, Sector 10,
Noida, UP - 201301, India.

Tel : 0120-6651500

Email : rngf@expressindia.com