Daily Life | The Sydney Morning Herald

Daily Life

'Do you want to risk violence now, or poverty in 20 years?'
Daily Life

'Do you want to risk violence now, or poverty in 20 years?'

Single women are in serious financial trouble as they get older, even if they haven’t had to deal with family violence.

  • by Jane Gilmore


Being friends with your ex is possible, it just takes time

Being friends with your ex is possible, it just takes time

A spouse is more a family member than a boyfriend or girlfriend, however unsatisfying or dysfunctional the dynamic has become.

  • by Kerri Sackville
I disabled Instagram comments on my holiday snaps ... cue outrage

I disabled Instagram comments on my holiday snaps ... cue outrage

My followers felt they were entitled to be fellow travellers on their own virtual holiday.

  • by Suzanne Carbone
Friends, spare me the backlash, my marriage ending doesn't reflect on yours
Daily Life

Friends, spare me the backlash, my marriage ending doesn't reflect on yours

When a mother of four is the one to leave the marriage, judgment – even from friends – can be shockingly harsh.

  • by Memma Chierici
O'Dwyer a good women's minister, but can she fix inequality in her party?

O'Dwyer a good women's minister, but can she fix inequality in her party?

Kelly O'Dwyer is a great improvement on previous women's ministers, now, we need to see her fix inequality for women in her own party.

  • by Jenna Price
Dear Uber driver, please don't rate me down for not feeling chatty
Daily Life

Dear Uber driver, please don't rate me down for not feeling chatty

'Increasingly, drivers are giving me less than five stars. And for what?'

  • by Penny Flanagan
Why I've put my bridesmaid days behind me

Why I've put my bridesmaid days behind me

It was when I was told to stay away from beer, followed by a disapproving glance down to my waistline, that I decided I was done.

  • by Wendy Squires
Why isn't my husband, and all the dads, on the class email list?

Why isn't my husband, and all the dads, on the class email list?

"We both work and share the load … wouldn’t dads like to be included so they can also do their bit?"

  • by Lisa Lintern
It’s official: life is more stressful for women

It’s official: life is more stressful for women

It seems stress is a woman’s lot but a bit of Scottish reeling might be the solution.

  • by Kathy Lette
I wish I had known about perinatal anxiety, so I wasn't so frightened
Daily Life

I wish I had known about perinatal anxiety, so I wasn't so frightened

If this sounds extreme to you, please know that it’s far more common than you might think.

  • by Clementine Ford
One year ago, the nation opened its arms to me a little more
Daily Life

One year ago, the nation opened its arms to me a little more

'When you live with an expectation of grief, it’s hard to imagine what relaxation feels like.'

  • by Brandon Cook