CBA's fall from grace: No more apologies, plenty of finger-pointing

CBA's fall from grace: No more apologies, plenty of finger-pointing

The meeting between two of Australia’s most senior bankers started in pleasant enough territory – a recent dinner with chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

It was May 2015, and Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ian Narev was catching up with the head of CBA’s vast retail bank Matt Comyn, who is now in the CEO's chair. The conversation began with Narev recalling a recent encounter with the Russian chess champion, which “intrigued” Comyn, and prompted him to write down Kasparov’s name on the notes he had prepared in advance.

Matt Comyn and then Commonwealth Bank chief Ian Narev appear before the House of Representatives' standing committee review into Australia's four major banks in 2017.

Matt Comyn and then Commonwealth Bank chief Ian Narev appear before the House of Representatives' standing committee review into Australia's four major banks in 2017.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

“He had gone to an institutional bank client function, Mr Kasparov had, and apparently was a very good dinner guest and I had just written his name down as a point of interest,” Comyn recalled this week at the banking royal commission, as his handwritten note from the meeting was displayed to the courtroom in Sydney.

Soon enough, however, the discussion between Comyn and his boss took on a more serious tone.


In preparation for the meeting, Comyn had jotted down various reasons why he wanted Narev to stop the bank from selling dubious insurance that promised to help consumers pay their credit card bills if they got sick, died or lost their job.

The royal commission is shown Matt Comyn’s handwritten notes about the CBA selling junk credit card insurance.

The royal commission is shown Matt Comyn’s handwritten notes about the CBA selling junk credit card insurance.

The products were a "poor value exchange", Comyn's note said, they had "opaque pricing", with only $15 paid out in claims in every $100 collected in premiums.

"We have not met standards we've set for ourselves and we should suspend sales," the note says.

But Comyn said his former boss Narev was not persuaded, and responded with the remark “temper your sense of justice”.

The comment set the tone for a week of remarkable revelations of the internal battles within CBA over past management and board decisions.

As Comyn and his chair, Catherine Livingstone, set about defending their actions, the commission revealed the internal workings of the bank in a way that is almost unheard of in corporate Australia.

Narev declined to give his version of events this week, saying in a statement that he respected the process of the royal commission and it would not be "appropriate" to comment.

Even so, Comyn's account of the meeting underlines the fractures between some of the most senior bankers in CBA, which were brought out into the open this week.

While other rounds of the royal commission have made plenty of senior executives squirm, and cost senior finance people their jobs, this week and next, the chief executives and some chairs of the country's largest financial institutions are in the hot seat.

Westpac chief Brian Hartzer and Macquarie's Nicholas Moore also took turns facing an inquisition this week, though they escaped the intense scrutiny applied to CBA.

Senior counsel assisting the commission Rowena Orr, QC, opened the proceedings by saying the hearings were not meant to extract yet more apologies from bankers for past scandals, but to find out “why did these things happen?”.

At CBA, answering this question produced striking evidence from Comyn and Livingstone about some of their colleagues, past and present, many of whom had left the bank in recent years in management and board cleanouts.

Two months before Comyn's meeting with Narev in May 2015, it was revealed the head of CBA’s wealth division, Annabel Spring, had emailed Comyn asking for him to call her about about a “growing rumour” that the bank might stop selling the insurance. Comyn wrote in his reply "this is all news to me". When asked what he thought Spring was thinking at the time this week, he said he assumed she did not want to cease selling the insurance products.


Ultimately, the bank stopped selling this type of insurance this March, announcing a $15 million refund program to tens of thousands of customers. But when compared with the wave of scandals to engulf CBA in recent years, the sale of consumer credit insurance is just one relatively modest example of conduct that has eroded trust in this financial institution.

The bank has also admitted that it provided dodgy financial advice; failed to update medical definitions on life insurance policies; settled allegations it tried to rig a key interest rate, and fell foul of anti-money-laundering and counterterrorism finance laws.

It is the job of the board in big companies to ultimately hold the most senior managers to account for such failures. And this week also saw Comyn and Livingstone publicly criticise how the former board, and its chairman David Turner, dealt with the bank's flood of scandals.

One former director this week observed that this meant Livingstone was "knocking" not only former directors but some current ones, too.

"Don’t forget a lot of people who are on the board today or who have just left have been on the board for years," one director said.

CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone.

CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone.Credit:Louise Kennerley

Giving evidence over Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Livingstone revealed that the bank’s board was too willing to accept management assurances and then did little to punish the executives in charge when it all went wrong.

She also revealed that she had asked for Turner - who in 2015 had said CBA should strive to be "the ethical bank" - to return 40 per cent of the fees he earned in 2016 ahead of his retirement. Turner had said no.

Turner has not commented on the matter, but Livingstone said he had told a board colleague that a scathing report into the bank from this year did not represent the “CBA board that he knew”.

Livingstone also told the commission that Narev and current deputy chief executive David Cohen had urged the board to give the executive team full bonuses, despite a dire risk report scorecard for the year that listed a litany of issues the bank was facing.

But it wasn’t all easy going for the former chairman of Telstra and Business Council of Australia president, who joined the board in March 2016 and took the chairman's role in February 2017.

Livingstone was challenged by Orr after claiming she had pushed management at the bank’s October 2016 board meeting after becoming concerned they were downplaying the severity of Austrac’s investigation into the bank.

As we now know, CBA ended up paying $700 million, the largest fine in Australian corporate history, for its anti-money-laundering breaches, but two years earlier CBA thought it had the matter under control.

"It didn’t feel quite right to me that Austrac would be comfortable with where we were, but management provided assurances that they were fully informed about the situation in terms of our level of compliance," Livingstone said.

When asked by Orr which member of management gave the assurances, Livingstone replied: “The CFO.”

The Commonwealth bank's image has taken another battering this week.

The Commonwealth bank's image has taken another battering this week. Credit:AAP

Along with pinning the blame for how Austrac was presented to the board on former chief financial officer David Craig, Livingstone gave the impression that she was the sole director to raise the issue with management. One of her ex-boardmates thinks that is an exaggeration.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the former CBA director said: "To say that it was just brushed over is complete nonsense. There’s a bit of licence to this conversation that’s taken place."


From Orr’s perspective, Livingstone’s evidence also did not correlate with the bank’s board minutes, which prompted Orr to remind Livingstone that failing to keep proper board minutes could be an offence under corporations law. Livingstone repeated that she did challenge management, adding that minute-taking had improved since she had taken the reins.

But CBA’s two days of the long knives were not over there.

Livingstone also admitted the board's review in 2016 of its senior executive remuneration was "plainly inadequate" and that a key factor considered by the bank in determining any pay cut was whether the issue had been made public.

In doing so, she - and the bank - tipped another bucket on Narev and Cohen, explaining how they were the driving forces behind management’s push to ensure no senior staff took a bonus cut despite the bank’s serious ongoing issues with Austrac and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The royal commission was also shown a risk report from Cohen which was a blaze of red warning signs which Orr described as “a large list” of risk issues.

“Despite all of those issues we see that Mr Cohen did not believe that there were any risk issues or risk behaviours that would suggest that short-term incentive awards should be modified in any way, for any of the executives connected with these risk issues?”

“That was his conclusion, yes,” Livingstone said.

She then added: “I think the – the use of this information and the conclusions that the remuneration committee came to at that time, in terms of remuneration consequences, were inadequate.”

And with that, former director Harrison Young was firmly under the CBA bus.

Yet, as later learned, the board largely supported Cohen and Narev’s view, only trimming wealth boss Annabel Spring's bonus by 5 per cent in 2016. The bank ended up copping a massive protest vote against its executive remuneration that year.

Senior counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC kept the heat on CBA.

Senior counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC kept the heat on CBA.Credit:Screen shot

CBA's 12 most senior executives made more than $44 million in 2016, including the value of at-risk shares.

Livingstone told the commission that in the years since, she had overhauled the bank’s remuneration system and insisted management take bonus cuts in 2017 and 2018.

This year CBA's top executives made a combined $15 million, while the bank also paid more than $16 million to former executives who left the bank during the year as it cleared out its management ranks.

To see the tensions within CBA, between boards and management past and present, was a stark contrast with the conservative "director's club" culture for which Australian corporate boards are renowned.

Unsurprisingly, former CBA directors were  this week defending their performance.

“We were all as a board extremely concerned about it,” one former director said. “Everything she said is true, but I think it’s the slant that’s she making out that she was the only one who was concerned [that] is simply not the case.”

The battle over the "root cause" of CBA's spectacular fall from grace - and who should take responsibility for it - has some way to go yet.

Clancy Yeates writes on business specialising in financial services. Clancy is based in our Sydney newsroom.

Sarah is a business courts reporter based in Melbourne.

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