Victorian Liberals longing for days of old

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy with his wife Renae.  Polls show he faces an uphill battle to topple Labor.
Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy with his wife Renae. Polls show he faces an uphill battle to topple Labor. David Crosling

On Saturday Victorians will decide whether their state – for decades the Liberal Party's "Jewel in the Crown" – has morphed into the Liberals' Crown of Thorns.

Less than six months before the next federal election is due, a Liberal defeat in Saturday's state election – and one that could by some forecasts be a worse result for the Victorian Liberals than when they narrowly lost office four years ago – would lead to a question along the lines of: "Whither Victoria, so goes Australia?"

Of course, the reverse question would be asked if Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy defies the significant pro-Labor swing forecast in an exclusive poll conducted this week for The Australia Financial Review and leads his state Liberal Party to victory over Labor's Daniel Andrews, who became Premier after the last Victorian election in 2014.

Either way, the last 36 years have witnessed an astonishing turnaround in Victorian politics. During that time Labor has been in office in the state for 25 years, while the Liberals have been in power for just 11 years. This compares with the previous period covering 1946-82, when non-Labor governments dominated in Australia's garden state to the point where they were in office for all but three of those 36 years.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and his wife Catherine on the campaign trail. Polls point to an increased majority for  ...
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and his wife Catherine on the campaign trail. Polls point to an increased majority for Labor. Julian Smith

That era of Liberal dominance in Victoria set the tone for Australian national politics for the 50s and 60s, a period that coincided with the long post-war boom, full employment and mass migration. It underwrote Victorian Robert Menzies' political renaissance as leader of his new Liberal Party, and a record run of seven federal election victories.


The central role Victoria played in maintaining the Liberal Party's dominance in that era was highlighted by the 1961 federal election. There was a big swing in Queensland and NSW against the Menzies government in that contest, largely triggered by public resentment over a credit squeeze, but Victoria once again acted as the Liberals' electoral bulwark, and Menzies scraped home.

Earthy and direct

The dominant Liberal figure in Victorian state politics during much of that time was Henry Bolte, who was premier from 1955-72. A farmer with German ancestry, Bolte was earthy and direct. One veteran colleague recalled taking a visiting British political science expert into the Victorian Legislative Assembly to observe question time at the height of the Bolte era. The first question from a cross bencher went something like: 'Why is Parliament not sitting next Tuesday?' Bolte's curt reply: "It's Melbourne Cup Day, you dill."

One exception to this earlier era of Liberal dominance in Victoria was Labor's John Cain snr, who won a majority in the Victorian Legislative Assembly in 1952, only to see his government become the first casualty in the great Labor split three years later.

The dominant Liberal figure in Victorian state politics during much of that time was Henry Bolte, who was premier from ...
The dominant Liberal figure in Victorian state politics during much of that time was Henry Bolte, who was premier from 1955-72. supplied

Exhibiting remarkable political myopia, Cain senior said the split would only go on for a few weeks but, in the 17 years after his political demise, it played an influential role in the Coalition retaining office in Canberra.

Interestingly, it was John Cain snr's son, John Cain jnr, who broke the long political drought for Victorian Labor in 1982, but his government was later consumed by a state debt binge – one that also tore apart Labor's John Bannon in South Australia. Despite the efforts of Cain's ALP successor as premier, Joan Kirner – Australia's first female state premier – Labor was swept from power in Victoria by the Liberals' Jeff Kennett in 1992.

It is this (largely) half-one-way, half-the-other-way Victorian post-war political history, combined with the result of Saturday's Victorian election, which will frame the scene for a tense political dogfight leading to the next federal poll. An emphatic ALP victory in Australia's second most populous state would cast a pall on Coalition prospects, just as repeated Liberal victories in Victoria in the 50s and 60s inevitably percolated into the – then Menzies' Liberal Party dominated – federal scene.

Another critical staging post will be a March state election in NSW. A Liberal-National Party government led by Premier Gladys Berejiklian will be pitted against a NSW Opposition Labor Party, led by Michael Daley. The latter is a neophyte in the position after his predecessor, Luke Foley, was consumed by allegations (which he denies) that he groped a female journalist after a 2016 Christmas drinks party.

Labor was swept from power in Victoria by the Liberals' Jeff Kennett in 1992.
Labor was swept from power in Victoria by the Liberals' Jeff Kennett in 1992. Angela Wylie

Dramatic downfall

Since the allegations were first aired in the NSW Parliament, Foley has not only resigned as state Labor leader, but will not be recontesting his state seat of Auburn. Foley's dramatic political downfall, and a record number of infrastructure projects in the state, suggest the NSW Coalition government will be returned for a third term, but old nostrums about incumbency may not necessarily hold.

The NSW Coalition government has also been dogged by leadership turnover – Berejiklian is the third Liberal Premier since 2011. The state is a bustle of infrastructure activity, but there are growing pains in Sydney, and the Berejiklian administration lacks panache in telling its story. As one powerful Coalition supporter recently asked: "Where's the narrative?"

Whatever the result in NSW next March, the forecast return of the Andrews government in Saturday's Victorian election, and even, possibly, a poll-predicted increase in the ALP's majority in that state, will influence the conduct of a no-holds-barred federal election campaign, including the highly charged issue of Islamist terrorism on Australian soil.

Luke Foley's dramatic political downfall, and a record number of infrastructure projects in the state, suggest the NSW ...
Luke Foley's dramatic political downfall, and a record number of infrastructure projects in the state, suggest the NSW Coalition government will be returned for a third term, but old nostrums about incumbency may not necessarily hold. Janie Barrett

After the November 9 Islamist terrorist attack in Burke Street, in the heart of the Melbourne CBD, which claimed the life of Sisto Malaspina, co-owner of Melbourne's iconic Pellegrini's café, Victorian Opposition leader Matthew Guy pushed law and order as a campaign issue. At the same time, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said: "We would be kidding ourselves if we did not call out the fact that the greatest threat of religious extremism in this country is the radical and dangerous ideology of extremist Islam."

Stripped of citizenship

Soon after Muslim clerics in Australia snubbed a meeting called to discuss the issue with Morrison, and the Australian government announced tougher measures to strip people convicted of terrorist offences of their Australian citizenship.

According to Friday's THe Australian Financial Review poll, however, the Victorian ALP not only has a 54-46 lead over the Opposition in two-party preferred vote terms, and outpolls the Coalition 39-36 in primary vote terms, but the Coalition only has a modest 52-48 lead as the party best able to handle law and order matters. This is less than the 54-46 law and order lead the coalition enjoyed in a previous ReachTEL poll taken in early October, five weeks before the Bourke Street terrorist attack.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews speaks to the media at the Queen Elizabeth Centre in Noble Park, Melbourne, Monday, ...
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews speaks to the media at the Queen Elizabeth Centre in Noble Park, Melbourne, Monday, November 19, 2018. (AAP Image/Daniel Pockett) NO ARCHIVING Daniel Pockett

Like a Japanese Kabuki play, major figures in both parties will fall back on familiar arguments, depending on Saturday's result. For the winning party, it will be not just an endorsement of their state leader, but a positive augury for the coming federal election. Losing party federal leaders will rationalise that the campaign was dominated by "state issues" and has no federal implications.

History tells us state elections may be harbingers of future federal results, or not. The Liberals maintained power in Victoria for a decade after Labor leader Gough Whitlam toppled the Coalition in 1972. On the other hand, Bob Hawke led Labor to power in Canberra in 1983, one year after John Cain's jnr's ALP victory in Victoria.

Overall, however, it's better to be on the winning side in politics.