Roxy Jacenko's empire of fame

When her husband Oliver Curtis faced an insider trading trial, Roxy Jacenko found herself in the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons, writes Misa Han.

Roxy Jacenko has come a long way since 2004, when she skipped university and started her own fashion PR business at the ...
Roxy Jacenko has come a long way since 2004, when she skipped university and started her own fashion PR business at the age 24. Louie Douvis

In an industry where perception equals money, spending a five-figure sum on curtains is an investment, says publicist Roxy Jacenko.

"Did I need $75,000 curtains?" she asks AFR Weekend pointing to the grey curtains adorning the meeting room in her two-storey office in Sydney's eastern suburb of Paddington.

"No, I didn't. But guess what, you walk in this door as a prospective client, you think: 'F---, this girl must be good at her job. She owns a building, it looks good. She can talk the talk'."

No stranger to the the social pages, the episode that propelled Jacenko into the national consciousness was her decorative presence at court when her husband, Oliver Curtis, was being tried for insider trading. For weeks, photographs of Jacenko were splashed all over the media along with the running commentary on her black designer outfits, which she helpfully documented each day on her own Instagram account.

Roxy Jacenko with husband Oliver Curtis during his insider trading trial in 2016.
Roxy Jacenko with husband Oliver Curtis during his insider trading trial in 2016. Daniel Munoz

Jacenko is just fine with people commenting on her clothes. But she was furious when her supporting-wife routine had her portrayed as a supported wife. 


"What Oli's trial did was make me look as if anything I had was from ill-gotten gains. I was very resentful of that because I have worked since the age of 14. I bought my first property at 21, the second at 25. I have worked for every f---ing thing I've got. No one has handed me anything," she says.

Jacenko recalls getting a call, mid-trial, from a PR whose business was spruiking a Kardashian-branded product. "Look, Roxy," he said, "We definitely can't work together. There's far too much controversy surrounding you." Considering the furore that surrounds the Kardashians most of the time, she found the comment laughable. 

Like the Kardashians, Jacenko's company relies on her public profile. The trial, her husband's conviction and one-year prison sentence, and her breast cancer diagnosis three weeks afterwards, took a toll on her reputation and her business. She didn't lose any clients, she says, but the calls and emails dried up. Between June 2016 and June 2017, she added only about 15 new clients. These days she says she signs a minimum of six clients a month, a tally that keeps her agency in growth mode.

There was also a personal toll that extended to Jacenko and Curtis' six-year-old daughter Pixie – well known for having her own Instagram account – who was bullied at school after her father's imprisonment, much to her mother's dismay. In 2017, 11 months into Curtis' jail term, Jacenko reached breaking point. She recalls driving along New South Head Road in Sydney's eastern suburbs and telling her mother on the phone, "I think I'm having a nervous breakdown." Her in-laws, Nick (former executive chairman of Lynas Corporation) and Angela Curtis took Pixie and her brother Hunter while she told her local GP: "You need to admit me to a clinic." Instead he prescribed her Effexor, an anti-anxiety and antidepressant drug, which she is still on now.

Oliver Curtis leaves the Cooma Correctional Centre in 2017.
Oliver Curtis leaves the Cooma Correctional Centre in 2017. Alex Ellinghausen

"It's not something to be ashamed of. If that's what I need to do to make sure that I am a good mother, a good boss, I deliver on the job that I have to do, and that I'm happy and confident, so be it," she says.

No doubt her medication will be discussed further this weekend when, in a textbook reputation management play, Jacenko and Curtis appear on Seven's Sunday Night in a tearful tell-all that, they hope, will bring this episode – the trial, the imprisonment, the release and the aftermath – to a close.

Pulped paper

Jacenko has four businesses: her public relations company Sweaty Betty, social media influencer business The Ministry of Talent, children's headwear line Pixie's Bows, and content creation company Social Union. As well as her In Conversation seminars for aspiring publicists.

Jacenko's father Nick with fashion designer Lisa Ho in 2017.
Jacenko's father Nick with fashion designer Lisa Ho in 2017. Jessica Hromas

She has also just published Roxy's Little Black Book of Tips & Tricks, a slim volume of advice for aspiring publicists, based on seminars she runs. Even before it hit the shelves, the book was in the news when the print run was pulped because of a badly worded testimonial on the cover from radio host Jackie O. Jacenko "never fails to disappoint" should have said "never fails to deliver".

Jacenko's empire reportedly has a turnover of $10 million to $13 million. It's a figure the 38-year-old refuses to confirm. "No idea," she says, somewhat surprisingly for someone who has been focused for so long on acquiring wealth. "I actually don't have any idea, and I would tell you."

Regardless of the exact sum, Jacenko has come a long way since 2004, when she skipped university and started her own fashion PR business at the age 24. Back then, her office was a room at her parents' clothing manufacturing business with a fax machine, a cordless phone, a computer, a garment rack and a dining table for meetings. 

She's quick to rebuff AFR Weekend's suggestion that she owes her success to her wealthy parents' financial backing and social connections, a la "self-made" US billionaire Kylie Jenner. "I didn't need money," she says, "because I'm the service. It was me."

Jacenko at home with her daughter, Pixie, in 2013.
Jacenko at home with her daughter, Pixie, in 2013. Nick Cubbin

No one in the clothing business wanted to employ her, she says, "They thought I would be a little spy and feed information back to my parents: what they're doing, what their costs are, who they freight with."

Her parents, whose business was a major supplier to suburban ladies brand Noni B, had no idea about the world of fashion PR. When Jacenko told them she was going to open her own PR business her dad asked: "What the f--- is that?"

At the start, 90 per cent of her clients at Sweaty Betty were fashion brands. Now, it's only 5 per cent. The bulk of her clients are activewear, beauty and lifestyle labels, which have survived the entry of overseas fast fashion brands like Zara.

Jacenko's unusual approach to PR involved making her own brand more high profile than her clients. While unwilling to talk revenue overall, she says her social media influencer business The Ministry of Talent makes more money than her PR play and the biggest moneyspinner is Jacenko herself.  At The Ministry of Talent it's not Jacenko who has the largest following (223,000 Instagram followers), charges the most expensive rate ($2500 a post), but she has enough nous to double back with a PR one-two and get the products she's pushing in The Daily Mail.

Roxy Jacenko at one of her seminars in 2017.
Roxy Jacenko at one of her seminars in 2017. Louise Kennerley

All in one

Now she is pursuing the strategy once favoured by the banking sector: cross-selling. She is now the publicist, the talent and the client all at once. For her little girl headwear label, Pixie's Bows, Sweaty Betty manages the public relations, branding and events; her content creation business Social Union produces stylised photographs of the bows; and The Ministry of Talent taps the power of social media influencers. Conveniently, one of those social media stars is her daughter Pixie, who is the face of the product.

Pixie is also the star of Jacenko's as-yet unpublished children's book Penelope's Playground, which is based on her daughter's experiences after Curtis went to jail.

But wait there's more. Jacenko also runs a seminar series up to five times a year. At these two-hour events.  These she says – again, curiously precise for someone fuzzy on revenue – make her $180,000 profit a pop thanks to ticket sales and sponsorship as the publicist advises others how to be successful publicists. It's the compound interest on her fame.

But not, it seems, something she enjoys. Jacenko says she doesn't like standing up and talking to an audience of 500 to 700 people. That reticence doesn't extend to extracting value from the events: when asked for background information she sent AFR Weekend a link to a video that required a payment of $75 to view. Arguably, it was a bargain given ticket prices for the events start at $232.

Diversification is a point that Jacenko hammers in her book. Business owners are advised: "If you're not willing to adapt your business to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers or aren't able to spot trends and pivot your business direction accordingly, you'll get left behind." 

Unfazed by rivals

Not everyone is prepared to follow Jacenko's playbook. A former colleague, Maz Coote, who left Sweaty Betty to set up her own agency, Coote Connex, says she draws the line at posting sponsored content on her Instagram account.

Holly Asser (centre) at the launch of Roxy Tan by Skinny Tan in February. She has since left Sweaty Betty.
Holly Asser (centre) at the launch of Roxy Tan by Skinny Tan in February. She has since left Sweaty Betty. Mark Stanley

"I don't utilise my social media in a sponsored capacity. I think that would blur the lines – my job is to make sure our clients are visible in the media and via true influencer channels," Coote says.

Other former employees have also flown the nest to set up on their own including Gemma Oldfield, while Jacenko's right-hand woman Holly Asser quit in October.

Jacenko insists she is unfazed by the increased competition. The queen of the social pages is willing to forsake her social life if that's what it takes. "I'm unique in the sense that I don't care about having a social life. My social life for me is my children and my husband. The whole thing about trying to replicate what I've done is very hard unless you are me," she says. "I'm happy to put the hours that are 24/7 and live on four hours' sleep a day. I'm happy to forego a social life."

That's all well and good but it does suggest an exceptional level of key-woman risk.

So, if she weren't running her businesses, what would she be doing?

"Be a florist," she says. It's a job she had a long time ago. "I loved it, it was creative, but I couldn't maintain my lifestyle doing that. Now I do it as my fun thing on the weekend."

Jacenko's unusual approach to PR involves making her own brand more high profile than her clients.
Jacenko's unusual approach to PR involves making her own brand more high profile than her clients. Louise Kennerley