RCR Tomlinson's solar business could shut down if no buyer found

McGrathNicol will hold its first meeting of RCR creditors on December 3.
McGrathNicol will hold its first meeting of RCR creditors on December 3. Wolter Peeters

RCR Tomlinson's solar business is likely to be shut down if administrators McGrathNicol cannot find a buyer, forcing its uncompleted Australian solar farms to find new contractors to finish them off.

RCR has snapped up more engineering, procurement and construction contracts for Australian solar farms than any other company, accounting for 956.5 megawatts of capacity at the end of November, according to consultants Rystad Energy.

The next biggest contractor is Downer EDI, followed by France's Bouygues and UGL, which is owned by Spanish-controlled CIMIC.

McGrathNicol is trying find potential buyers for RCR. But other contractors say they don't want to take over RCR's contracts because they don't know what risks it has agreed to. The administrator's best option may be to terminate the contracts and walk away from the solar farms.

Competing contractors say they would be willing to finish the nine solar farms that RCR has not completed, but only after signing new contracts on their own terms, which could force up prices for solar farm developers.


Bright Energy Investments' second stage of the Greenough River farm in Western Australia and Pacific Hydro's Haughton solar farm in Queensland are considered the most exposed to additional costs because their projects only started construction this year.

Bright Energy said it was reviewing its delivery options for the project, which is about 45 per cent complete, and retained the right to "take over or reassign" the principal contract. It said subcontractors and employees had been paid up until the end of October

Pacific Hydro said it had "secured" its construction site and would find ways of continuing to build the solar farm.

Grid connection issues

It is unclear if RCR's collapse will lead to delays in the commissioning of its other solar farms, including the APA Group's Darling Downs farm in Queensland.

APA said commissioning was under way, and that it was liaising with Powerlink and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AMEO) to progress to full generation. "While there is a punchlist of items to attend to, they are able to be managed in the ordinary course of business," a spokesman said.

McGrathNicol is trying to secure short-term funding with RCR's financiers to keep the company operating and pay outstanding wages and will hold its first creditor's meeting on December 3.

Industry sources say grid connections are currently an issue for many solar and wind farm developers, with the AEMO, which oversees the connection of plants into the grid, and network operators being inundated with an unprecedented number of applications.

"There are a lot of people being caught out by unexpected delays because the process is not transparent," one source said, adding that project developers were often in the dark at the outset of the process on how long connection would take and how much it would cost."

Clean Energy Council chief executive Kane Thornton has called for the process for new solar projects to connect to the power system to be improved and made more transparent, including providing more information on how long it is likely to take and how much it will cost.

Renewable boom

Australia has seen a huge boom in new renewable plant connections across the National Electricity Market, mostly in regions remote from existing generation sources, load centres and power transmission infrastructure, according to the AEMO.

In 2013, there were 22 active projects totalling about 1200 megawatts, while now there are some 19,000 megawatts of advanced applications for new connections, with a further 78,000 megawatts of projects at an earlier stage of pre-feasibility or inquiry.

Projects are increasingly requiring detailed technical assessment to confirm their ability to safely operate without adversely impacting the stability of the power system, an AEMO spokesman said.

The speed at which new plants can register into the market and fully commission depends on the type of technology, its location in the network, preparations made by the project proponent and how the plant performs during commissioning, he said.

The market is also dealing with tighter technical performance standards for new generators, intended to securely integrate new plants into the power system, which came into effect on September 27 this year.