Bolton out of ASIC's doghouse

Where will Nick Bolton turn up first?
Where will Nick Bolton turn up first? James Davies

Can we still call Nick Bolton a corporate spiv now that he's no longer banned by ASIC?

The whiz kid who took on Macquarie and won has finally served out the three-year directorship ban imposed by the regulator for his role in a string of company collapses that left creditors owed millions. It expired on November 16. Meaning Bolton no longer has to dodge accusations of being a shadow director (as implied by the Takeovers Panel) and can go back to directly influencing the many companies to which he's exposed. 

We wonder where he'll turn up first. 

Aurora Funds Management, maybe? He's certainly taken a keen interest in the asset management company, which he half owns through a rather opaque trust structure. The Takeovers Panel proceeding mentioned earlier (they're being characteristically appealed) made much of the frequency of communications between Bolton and Aurora's executive chairman John Patton.

Alas, fat lot of good Bolton's nous and advice has done for unitholders, or the value of his own investment. Its FY18 accounts are a mess. 


Over the year, assets under management shrank from $47 million to $31 million. But recovery fees taken from the four LICs Aurora managed over the year – unitholders are billed for everything from consultants to legal fees – surged from $909,292 to $2.75 million. That doesn't include the responsible entity and asset management fees Aurora also collects from unitholders, worth a further $973,399. Which means those LICs, with assets worth $31 million, paid 8.4 per cent of that to Aurora in FY18! And this is a manager whose performance was so shite it didn't even get around to charging performance fees. 

Despite all this, the accounts still express concern about whether the management company can survive, if funds misappropriated by a former CFO aren't recovered. The company made a loss of $1.1 million. 

Aurora, we should make clear, manages retail funds it purchased from the old Aurora managers a few years ago. Its remaining unitholders, who aren't professional investors, face underperformance made worse by outrageous fees. An awful situation, really.