Corrections minister David Elliott under pressure over youth custody report

Corrections minister David Elliott under pressure over youth custody report

Corrective Services Minister David Elliott is under renewed pressure over his handling of youth custody after a report found his department broke the law over lengthy isolations, overused strip searches and withheld information from the Ombudsman.

The long-awaited report from independent Inspector of Custodial Services Fiona Rafter highlights “significant failings” as well as “inconsistencies between legislation and policy”.

Under fire: NSW Corrective Services Minister David Elliott.

Under fire: NSW Corrective Services Minister David Elliott.Credit:AAP

The findings follow questions about the minister’s use of parliamentary privilege to air sexual harassment allegations against former opposition leader Luke Foley – denied by Mr Foley – as well as his response to a sex offender who allegedly assaulted a seven-year-old girl on parole.

When asked about solitary confinement in 2016, Mr Elliott had told Parliament “there is no provision or practice of isolation of young people in custody.” But he failed to mention the Chisholm Behaviour Program, shut down four months earlier, that kept young people locked alone for 22 hours a day for weeks at a time.


A Herald investigation exposed the use of solitary confinement even after the end of the program, prompting Mr Elliott to ask for a review by Ms Rafter in late 2016. He received a draft of her findings in December last year.

Mr Elliott told a September Estimates hearing “I consider these children to be my own children” but admitted at the same hearing he had not read the draft findings, saying he wanted a final copy.

At 4pm Friday, the day after Parliament rose for the last time before the state election, Ms Rafter made public a report that found NSW is one of the few states that punishes young people with confinement, despite there being no evidence it improves behaviour.

Ms Rafter found the “extremely problematic” Chisholm program did not abide by the relevant act, which requires segregation to be used as a last resort for the least time possible.

The report also shows rising rates of self-harm, assault and incidents requiring “use of force” within the state’s six youth detention centres under Minister Elliott’s watch in the last three years.

Mr Elliott said in a statement on Friday that “since this review commenced in 2016, Juvenile Justice has significantly developed, and continues to develop, its practice.”


He said about half of the 60 recommendations had already been implemented in part or in full, while Juvenile Justice received $1 million for more training and 22 more caseworkers.

Ms Rafter said in a statement that “Juvenile Justice staff perform a difficult job in a challenging environment” and that the agency was undergoing significant reform.

But she found much work to be done, as she recommended the abolition of routine strip searching, a reduction in the use of force, a minimum of six hours out of cell per day, better training for staff and better record keeping.

The use of prolonged isolation has dogged Juvenile Justice, which is being sued by a former detainee over its use.

In 2015, the agency had developed the Chisholm Behaviour Program to deal with high-risk detainees at the Cobham facility on Sydney’s outskirts.

Sixty-six young people, many of them Aboriginal, spent up to 22 hours a day in “dark” cells in early phases of the program. One young person spent 23 weeks in these phases over a 45-week period.

“The implementation of the program was extremely problematic and the outcomes poor,” the inspector said. Juvenile Justice, which eventually shut the program, did not tell the Ombudsman about keeping children isolated as it did not consider the practice segregation, the report found.

Juvenile Justice also isolates children as a punishment, which it calls “confinement”.

Aboriginal detainees are confined more than their peers and confinement is the most common type of punishment, Ms Rafter found. “This is despite there being no evidence that supports the use of confinement to effect positive behavioural change”, the report said.

As for the use of force, the reason given for the overwhelming majority of incidents was “to protect the officer or other persons from attack or harm”.

The report showed an uptick in assaults – in 2017/18 there were 443 across the centres, compared to 390 and 393 in the previous two years.

Self-harm has also increased, with 359 incidents reported this year, compared to 314 last year.

“This report makes troubling reading, identifying excessive and inappropriate use of both isolation and strip searches of young people,” Greens justice spokesman David Shoebridge said.

Mr Shoebridge said the minister’s 2016 claim there was no isolation in Juvenile Justice was “grossly uninformed or plainly untrue”.

Juvenile Justice said it welcomed the report and would respond appropriately.

Patrick Begley is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Jacqueline is a senior journalist, columnist and former Canberra press gallery sketch writer for The Sydney Morning Herald.