'Very hostile': Clover Moore hits out at former colleague Kerryn Phelps

'Very hostile': Clover Moore hits out at former colleague Kerryn Phelps

City of Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore has delivered a broadside against the incoming Member for Wentworth, Kerryn Phelps, saying Dr Phelps joined the council only for the chance to be mayor, and accusing her of misrepresenting her politics.

Enmity between the two Sydney politicians first flared when Dr Phelps, who was elected to council on Cr Moore’s ticket in 2016, sensationally quit the mayor’s team on the floor of a council meeting last year.

Former allies: Clover Moore (left) and Kerryn Phelps in 2016.

Former allies: Clover Moore (left) and Kerryn Phelps in 2016.Credit:James Brickwood

But Cr Moore has now gone further in providing her account of the breakdown of her relationship with Dr Phelps, who will next week be sworn in as the first non-Liberal Party member for Wentworth since 1944.

Cr Moore said “it would be terrific” if Dr Phelps could work with other independents in parliament to secure passage of a federal integrity commission, action on climate change, and removing children from Nauru.


“But that wasn’t my experience at the city,” Cr Moore said.

She said Dr Phelps approached her about standing on Cr Moore’s ticket in the 2016 council poll, an election in which the longstanding mayor was returned to office with a 9 per cent swing.

The approach had been a surprise, because when the City of Sydney was earlier building a cycleway down Bourke Street, where Dr Phelps has a clinic, Dr Phelps “was very hostile both to me and to Monica,” said Cr Moore, referring to the chief executive of the council, Monica Barone.

“Subsequently when she came and said she wanted to join the team, she said 'I changed my mind, I really strongly support cycling,'” Cr Moore said.

On council, Cr Phelps has raised public health concerns about the mixing of pedestrians and cyclists. On Monday, she was the only councillor to vote against the city’s cycling strategy. "It was quite clear that she didn't support what we were all about," said Cr Moore. "But she had argued so strongly that she did."

Another source of tension relates to Dr Phelps’ reason for quitting Cr Moore’s team. At the time, Dr Phelps attributed the break to a refusal by the lord mayors’ office to provide answers about its budget.

Cr Moore said the budget concern was a “concoction.” “We have a very, very strong record in absolute integrity in terms of our financial management. I thought what she did was outrageous and a real betrayal.”

Cr Moore said Dr Phelps left her team because she had told her that the deputy lord mayoralty would be shared. “The reason why she wanted to be deputy lord mayor was that she thought it was a conduit to the top job, which is why she had run in the first place,” Cr Moore said.

In happier times: Councillor Jess Miller, Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore and Professor Kerryn Phelps on the steps of Town Hall at the proclamation of the 2016 council.

In happier times: Councillor Jess Miller, Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore and Professor Kerryn Phelps on the steps of Town Hall at the proclamation of the 2016 council.Credit:Louise Kennerley

In a response, Dr Phelps said it was “obvious that Clover Moore has never forgiven me for leaving her team so that I could be a true independent, even to the extent of supporting a candidate against me in the recent Wentworth byelection.”

Cr Moore supported Licia Heath, a former banker and education advocate, for Wentworth, but Ms Heath recorded only 2.3 per cent of the vote.


“I am not surprised by anything she says to try to damage my reputation,” said Dr Phelps of Cr Moore.

Dr Phelps, who has retained her spot on the City of Sydney, could yet make a bid for lord mayor. If Dr Phelps lost Wentworth at a general election, her raised profile may help her in a mayoral run in 2020.

Asked about a potential run by Dr Phelps, Cr Moore said: “It's not just about the three-cornered hat, being mayor, and the chain. It's really about the work. And the work of the city. And she didn't demonstrate in that year that she was deputy lord mayor that she was very interested in that work.

“In the Federal Parliament, where she's dealing with health perhaps, that may be more of an area of interest for her,” said Cr Moore.

“But she has not displayed a great interest in city matters. And I think a mayor needs to have a passion for the city, and a passion for city issues, and a knowledge and an understanding and an experience of them,” Cr Moore said. “And I don't think she qualifies in any of those areas.”

Cr Phelps said: “As far as the succession plan for lord mayor goes, it is a democratically elected position, not a hereditary monarchy.”

Asked about Dr Phelps' prospects in federal parliament, Cr Moore said: "There is a real opportunity there and I hope she takes it. But I'm just saying that wasn't my experience."