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  1. hat retweetet
    vor 53 Minuten


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  2. hat retweetet
    17. Mai

    Rob Pattinson as Batman is the living embodiment of this comic and I LOVE IT

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 1 Stunde

    So can someone explain to me why the young people in this tweet don't deserve to work due to their nationality?

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  4. vor 34 Minuten
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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 1 Stunde

    Shock (1977) directed by Mario Bava (Gif by )

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  6. hat retweetet
    17. Mai

    1/4 My personal memory of . I was at uni in ‘84 and working a job as a functions waiter at the now long-gone Lakeside Hotel in Canberra. Our team waited a cabinet luncheon at The Lodge and I was allocated to personally serve the PM...

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  7. vor 59 Minuten

    Definition of storming the citadel and then slamming the gates shut behind you.

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  8. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden

    Nice to know that you are the vapid malevolent child of the corn you look like . This below is telling people to number every square, not impersonating a federal officer and breaching the electoral act as in Chisholm.

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  9. hat retweetet
    vor 3 Stunden

    The trifecta Australia needs & deserves ☑ Dutton dumped in Dickson ☑ Abbott Warrin-gone ☑ Goodbye Fraser Anning, you unmitigated shitbag

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  10. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden
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  11. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden

    The most stereotyped? 1996 the two surgeons from Toorak handing out for the Libs in Wills who asked me if Coburg was as "dangerous" as they'd heard. They arrived in a Jaguar.

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  12. vor 2 Stunden
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  13. vor 2 Stunden

    He's right. Just not in the way that he thinks.

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  14. vor 2 Stunden

    Pies styling on the Saints in the last. Class eventually overcoming dogged competence.

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  15. vor 2 Stunden
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  16. hat retweetet

    Ok, it's off to vote. Later than hoped ... day took over.

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  17. vor 3 Stunden

    Saints Pagan's Paddocking to perfection

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  18. vor 4 Stunden

    We're getting smacked around the packs and flat footed on forward entries. Not the highest standard game I've ever been to

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  19. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden
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  20. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden

    Here’s a call to action. Vote Labor or Green today.

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