Dark Nights #48 : ‘Without Delay’ by Michela Ortu & Pierleone Porcu (ACN)

November 25th, 2018

PDF: Dark Nights #48

International newsletter of social war keeping the black flag flying with a nihilist, anarchist and anti-social revolutionary cover feature written by two comrades in Italy. Usual resistance and repression round ups included. It’s an 8-page hand out for your local squat, social centre, mate’s house or given out at a demo. Help ignite the next wave of the black international – Download, copy and distribute!

1. ‘Without Delay’ by Michela Ortu and Pierleone Porcu.
2. Direct Action Chronology.
3. Repression News.
4. More Than Words.

Anti-Copyright Network

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Leipzig, Germany: Arson Attack Against a Spie Fleischhauer Vehicle

November 25th, 2018

16.11.18: Last Friday night we torched a car belonging to the Spie Fleischhauer company in Leipzig Connewitz. And so, we made a small expression of our contempt and hatred towards the cruel prison industry. The direct attack against the property of those who allow domination and oppression is a necessary part of the struggle for a liberated society!

Our greetings go out to all those who sit in the dungeons of the rulers, do not lose heart and oppose each day of repression and exploitation. In particular, we send greetings to Nero and our comrades in Berlin after last week’s raids*. Your courage and determination give us strength!

Spie is one of the leading coal, lignite and nuclear industry service providers, and not just in Germany. After torching a Spie van in April, in Berlin, Sébastien Briat summed it up in a few words:

“In France, Spie is Vinci’s biggest competitor in the service sector. The company, based in France, is involved in the nuclear industry via its subsidiary Spie
Nucléaire. In Germany, Spie SAG is involved in the generation of electricty from coal and boasts of its long-standing partnership with RWE. For example, the settlers for lignite mining for RWE were transported from Spie to Hambacher Forest.”

The subsidiary Spie Fleischhauer GmbH is an information, security, media and electrical engineering company that is also active in the prison industry. Here Spie
Fleischhauer specializes, among others, in hazard management and telecommunication systems. For wealthy individuals, banks and corporations, it offers intelligent property protection surveillance systems. In Leipzig, the company is participating in the current expansion of Leipzig prison.

A free and self-determined life cannot exist with a state and its institutions. We stand in fighting solidarity with all the people who are harassed, exploited and imprisoned by cops, prosecutors and judges!

Freedom for Nero!

*Free Nero Blog: https://freenero.blackblogs.org/texte/
R94 statement on the raids: https://de.indymedia.org/node/26080

… In addition, we observed following our nightly excursion that cops seem to pass by and ignore burning company cars and luxury cars in Leipzig Connewitz. That means for us: Let more cars go up in flames!
It’s easy: instructions can be found here: https://militanz.blackblogs.org/42/
(in German)


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Against Anarcho-Liberalism and the curse of identity politics (UK)

November 25th, 2018

Anarchism in the UK is a joke. Once symbolising hard-fought struggles for freedom, the word has been stripped bare to make way for narrow-minded, separatist and hateful identity politics by middle class activists keen to protect their own privileges. We write this leaflet to reclaim anarchism from these identity politicians.

We write as self-identified anarchists who see our roots in the political struggles of the past. We are anti-fascists, anti-racists, feminists. We want to see an end to all oppressions and we take an active part in those fights. Our starting point though is not the dense language of lefty liberal academics, but anarchism and its principles: freedom, cooperation, mutual aid, solidarity and equality for all regardless. Hierarchies of power, however they manifest, are our enemies.

Identity politics is part of the society we want to destroy.

Identity politics is not liberatory, but reformist. It is nothing but a breeding ground for aspiring middle class identity politicians. Their long-term vision is the full incorporation of traditionally oppressed groups into the hierarchical, competitive social system that is capitalism, rather than the destruction of that system. The end result is Rainbow Capitalism – a more efficient & sophisticated form of social control where everyone gets a chance to play a part! Confined to the ‘safe space’ of people like them, identity politicians become increasingly detached from the real world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Veranstaltung zum RAZ/RL/Radikal-Konstrukt (Deutschland)

November 25th, 2018

Veranstaltung und Soli-Abend in der Meuterei am Freitag, den 30. November ab 18 Uhr mit anschließendem Cocktail-Tresen.

Vor über fünf Jahren eröffnete sich neun Personen die Tatsache Beschuldigte in einem Ermittlungsverfahren nach §129 StGB (Gründung/Mitgliedschaft in einer kriminellen Vereinigung) zu sein. Im Fokus der Ermittlungen standen die RAZ(Revolutionäre Aktionszellen)/RL(Revolutionäre Linke) und die Zeitschrift Radikal.

Jetzt hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin in diesem Zusammenhang einen Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Hauptverfahrens gestellt und eine Anklageschrift formuliert. Nachdem bereits im August 2014 die Ermittlungen gegen zwei der Beschuldigten abgetrennt und unter anderem Aktenzeichen geführt wurden, richtet sich die nun im September 2018 verschickte Anklageschrift nur noch gegen eine Person. Die Ermittlungsverfahren gegen die anderen Personen wurden eingestellt. Bereits die Trennung der Ermittlungsverfahren ließ vermuten, dass eine Anklage wegen §129 für die Behörden nicht haltbar sein werde, und so lautet der Vorwurf jetzt auch Brandstiftung pp. in drei Fällen. Read the rest of this entry »

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Seek and Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere: A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross (Indonesia)

November 24th, 2018

Note: Updated edited version.

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
– Beyond Good and Evil


We know that there is no eco-extremist tendency in Indonesia, although past statements from FAI cells tended to have some merit concerning the general hostility against the social and leftist anarchist moralities concerning violence, destruction, and the fetish of organization. To be honest, we don’t have illusions when we talk, write, or act against our enemy using any means possible. Attacking the state and capitalism is essential for anarchists of all tendencies (we’re going to ignore the pacifist tendency as it needs a different context of discussion), although this is a joint statement involving a wide range of tendencies of anarchists, most of us don’t have this nonsense liberal point of view toward violence against the system and the people who defend, maintain, and materalise it in everyday life. Some individuals in our network maintain their anti-civ and post-leftist stance while others found some aspects of social anarchism are necessary in organizing the disruption of the machine.

Our intention of this statement is to join the front against the eco-extremist tendency that has been given platform by the self-labeled ‘nihilist-anarchists’ in the US and Europe, from our sources we know that most of these individuals who endorse EE and keep continuing in giving them platform are using absurd reasoning and it’s post-modernist at best- we will discuss about this more below. It is funny though that most of the individuals in our network evolved from anti-civ and post-leftist discourses, even some of us have translated the writings of authors in AJODA: A Journal of Desire Armed (yes, including that boyfriend of ITS, Aragorn!). The critiques of the leftist movement have been useful in identifying the decadence of leftist populism in our territory, their dead-end strugglism and their social democratic tendency which aims to make “a more humanist capitalism,” therefore we find it obscure when the recent eco-extremists were using the terms “humanism”, “morality”, and even “sectarianism” in their absolutist communiques as if the corpse of Nechaev Jesuitism was resurfacing again. Read the rest of this entry »

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Italy : Report on the 8th November hearing of the ‘Operation Panico’ trial

November 23rd, 2018

Source: Anarchici fiorentini
Translated by act for freedom now!

The third hearing of the trial concerning Operation Panico took place on Thursday 8th November. We don’t know how it went nor are we much interested. The events speak for themselves. Giova, Ghespe, Paska, some of the other comrades on trial and an audience of comrades were in court. As soon as the hearing started, through his lawyer Paska demanded to speak in order to read out a declaration. He had come to court with the signs of the beating he had been given in La Spezia prison in the morning before being transferred to Florence. He started to read out his declaration, which began by telling of the screws’ beating, but the judge immediately ordered his microphone to be switched off, blabbing that what the comrade was saying was not pertinent to the trial, that the court was not the place to denounce this kind of thing and similar bullshit. Read the rest of this entry »

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„Öko-extremistische Mafia” Arturo Vasquez leitet rechtliche Schritte ein und droht der Gegeninformations-Seite 325

November 23rd, 2018

EN: “Eco-Extremist Mafia” Arturo Vasquez submits legal & FBI threat to anarchist counter-info site 325

ES: El presunto teórico ecoextremista “Abe Cabrera” y las amenazas legales contra 325

IT: “Mafia eco-estremista” Arturo Vasquez minaccia azioni legali e FBI contro gli anarchici del sito di contro-informazione 325

Gerade als wir dachten, die öko-extremistische / nihilistisch-rechte „Mafia“ könnte nicht noch lächerlicher werden, schickten uns die Gefährt*innen von nostate.net die unten stehende E-Mail. Es ist eine über deren Provider verschickte Drohung das FBI zu verständigen von Arturo Vasquez (Abe Cabrera), dem Boss der nordamerikanischen „unbezwingbaren öko-extremistischen Theroretiker“, Herausgeber der öko-faschistischen Zeitschrift Atassa. Nachdem all seine „unbeugsamen“ „Gefährt*innen“ ihn hängen ließen, ist das einzige was ihm einfällt, zu drohen die Polizei zu rufen.

Diese Drohung des Ökofaschisten ist nichts anderes als ein Geschenk an uns und zeigt, worum es dem Papst Atassa wirklich geht. Ein elender fantasierender Verräter, der glaubt, er könnte ohne Konsequenzen verspotten und bedrohen, sich online und auf Blogs bewegen und dort den willkürlichen Terrorismus und Autoritarismus der Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS) verbreiten und währenddessen Anarchie angreifen. Ein katholischer Floh, der mit dem anarchistischen Raum und der Kontroverse über die Verbreitung von Morddrohungen gegen Gefährt*innen verbunden ist, vermischt anarchistische mit irrationalistischen und religiösen Ideen.

Vasquez, Informant und wertloser Feigling, glaubt er nicht, das FBI und dutzende andere Sicherheitsbehörden beobachten schon längst unsere Seite? Weiß diese „Mafia“ denn nicht, wenn unsere kleine Organisation herausfinden kann, wo genau er lebt, mit wem er in Verbindung steht und wo er arbeitet und seine Zeit verbringt, wird das FBI genau wissen, wer und was er ist? Vasquez war immer ein nützlicher Idiot für die Staatsorgane, genauso wie der ganze „Öko-Extremisten“ Trend.

Gegeninformation ist kontinuierliche und fortlaufende Praxis, ausgerichtet auf unsere anarchistischen, nihilistischen und antiautoritären Ziele. Es ist uns wirklich egal, ob unsere Seite vom Netz genommen wird, sie wird in irgendeiner Form weiter verfügbar sein. Alles wird weitergehen.

Solidarität mit den Gefährt*innen, die gegen den autoritären und misanthropischen Müll kämpfen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich heiße Arturo Vasquez und wohne in den USA. Ich wurde aufgrund einer Verwechslung zur Zielscheibe einer Belästigungskampagne von einer von Ihnen gehosteten Webseite, nämlich: https://325.nostate.net/.

Die beleidigenden Links sind hier aufgelistet: [1 & 2]

Wie Sie sehen können, wurde auf dieser Webseite ein Bild von mir, eines von meiner Frau und meine Adresse sowie Morddrohungen gegen mich veröffentlicht. Aufgrund der Natur der Bedrohungen glaube ich nicht, dass dieser Inhalt hinsichtlich Ihrer aktuellen Richtlinien für das Hosten einer Webseite akzeptabel ist. Andernfalls sehen wir uns gezwungen, rechtliche Schritte zu prüfen und das FBI einzuschalten. Die Veröffentlichung meiner Adresse und unserer Bilder auf Ihrer Seite ist nicht akzeptabel. Meine Kontaktinformationen sind unten angegeben. Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören.

Mit freundlichen Grüße
Arturo Vasquez

Telefon: (510) 529-9690
E-Mail: collationes79@gmail.com

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Argentina: Without Fear & With Perseverance Let’s Extend the Offensive! Information About the Recent Repressive Blow of the Argentine State

November 21st, 2018

On November 14th, two specific events took place in the city of Buenos Aires, with media coverage and a rapid police / judicial response.

During the afternoon, in the Recoleta cemetry, at the mausoleum dedicated to Colonel Ramon Falcon (assassinated by comrade Simón Radowitzky) – a bomb explodes leaving the comrade Anahi Salcedo wounded, she is transferred to Fernandez hospital and detained with wounds to her face and skull as well as the loss of three fingers on one of her hands. She is currently in an induced coma. At the same place, comrade Hugo Rodriguez was arrested.

Hours later, outside the home of Judge Bonadio (famous for his hard line, his indelible past with the youth of the iron guard- a Peronist fascist group, and his current practice and discourse against anti-conservatism and repression of dissenting sectors and individuals opposed to the current order), comrade Marco Viola is arrested, accused of throwing an explosive device at the magistrate’s car.

At dawn, and throughout the following days, various spaces of the anarchic environment including squats, neighborhood centers and private homes are searched, resulting in the arrests of another 12 people.

The detainees were transferred to 2200 Cavia street where the anti-terrorist unit works, then to the police superintendence on Madariaga street, and then finally on Saturday morning they were taken to the Comodoro Py courts to testify in front of judge Ercollini and the public prosecutor Di Lello, following 72 hours of uncertainty, isolation and being subjected to who knows what by the eternally miserable wretches.

After this, two people are released, leaving a total of 10 imprisoned comrades charged with illegal association, public intimidation and possession of explosive material. The two actions unified under the same cause.

At the moment it is all prudential what can be transmitted, we know that other places are under surveillance, as well as specific people, since the government itself have confirmed the seizure of more than 100 private phones belonging to activists, and they have reopened investigations into direct actions that were carried out in the city from 2005 until the present (some claimed by anarchists and others not).

The call is clear and leaves no room for double interpretations.

Every gesture of concrete solidarity is welcome and desirable.

Do not leave the comrades kidnapped by the Argentine State alone, without fear and with perseverance extend the offensive.





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Actions in Madrid in response to the repression (Spain)

November 20th, 2018

Claims received by the comrades in Madrid in solidarity with the comrades arrested on October 29. The companions ask for diffusion and translation:

1. https://contramadriz.espivblogs.net/2018/11/20/a-martillazos-contra-los-cajeros-de-carabanchel-solidaridad-anarquista/

2. https://contramadriz.espivblogs.net/2018/11/20/ataque-a-inmobiliaria-en-carabanchel-guerra-a-la-especulacion-capitalista/

3. https://contramadriz.espivblogs.net/2018/11/16/madrid-ataques-quot-simbolicos-quot-a-cajeros/

4. https://contramadriz.espivblogs.net/2018/11/16/madrid-cajero-en-llamas-en-carabanchel/

5. https://contramadriz.espivblogs.net/2018/11/12/madrid-sabotajes-a-cajeros-automaticos-en-solidaridad-con-les-companeres-detenides/

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Festival Father Frost against Putin 2019 to take place in January (Finland)

November 20th, 2018

Next year, 2019, the Father Frost against Putin-festival will once again take place in Helsinki. From the 5th to the 6th of January you can join discussions about the state of affairs in Russia and the x-USSR region, and get a chance to meet various social and political activists without the fear of police or special service operations. (fear of infringement from the side of police and special services).

The difficult political and economic situation, compounded by a new wave of repressions and authoritarianism in Russia and the region provide ample topics for discussion. The social protests taking place in a generally difficult geopolitical environment in Europe, the ”Network” frameup against Russian anti-fascists and events related to it, are just a small selection of the topics up for discussion.

In this increasingly turbulent context we want to work out and form a common position in regards to these events, and figure out what to do in relation to the Putin regime, and other islands of authoritarianism in the x-USSR.

The festival program will be distributed openly, and will consist of two parts – presentations and a party. The event is open, and organised in a country where police harassment is unlikely.

Place of the event will be announced later If you are interested in taking part in the festival and you need place to sleep, please fill out the form below and send it to dedmoroz@riseup.net. Registration is required only for those, who need help with sleeping places. Deadline to send your form – January 4 2019.

Event in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/964842413701892/
Event in VK: https://vk.com/ded_against_putin


Name / Nickname:
City / Region / Country:
Dates of stay (from when to when):
How did you find out about the event:
Who can give a recommendation/vouch for you:
Diet, allergies or anything else we need to know
(food at the event will be vegan):
Suggestions for discussions, workshops or inputs that you could offer:
How much time would you need for your workshop/input and what technical


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United Kingdom – The alleged eco-extremist theorist “Abe Cabrera” and the legal threats against 325

November 19th, 2018

By La Rebelion de las Palabras

325 is an anti-authoritarian and rebellious web space based in the United Kingdom which is related to us through affinity. In addition to giving coverage (mainly in English) to the actions and expressions of the social war and to the voices of those who remain in the bars around the world for acting against domination and its values, they have also been an important part of the diffusion of writings and communiques against the self-styled eco-extremist tendency, helping to unmask them and promote anarchist criticism of their methods and proposals. Recently, 325 published information (here and here in Spanish) where they gave a name and face to the deceitful fraud who is the alleged ideologist and ringleader, that who under the pseudonym Abe Cabrera has dedicated himself to spreading this trend in the US, a lawyer named Arturo Vasquez, for which 325 have received threats of legal measures against their page in the case of not withdrawing that information.

We, as affinities of the compas of 325 and as refractaries to this trend, have also taken positions at different times against the eco-extremist cynicism, translating texts from comrades from other geographies or disseminating those in our language (ver aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí o aquí) and giving support to those who were the object of their bravado and threats, that also being us at the time (although the only fear that caused us that was from dying of respiratory failure from laughing too much).

Although we had decided to stop talking about eco-extremism to avoid entering their game and so not granting them the publicity and attention which they so desperately seek to find in anarchist spaces, we have felt trapped by the same threats they have raised against our comrades of 325 because that could have been ourselves, and for that reason we want to support them and share the information for whose publication they are being threatened. If they touch one of us, they touch us all.

Fuck Eco-Extremism and its fallacies.
Fuck the police snitches.
Strength to 325 and to all of us who have positioned ourselves against eco-extremism and other attempts at parapolicial/authoritarian infiltration within anarchic spaces and movements.

+ More info:

PDF: Against Eco-Extremism : Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion

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Reino Unido – El presunto teórico ecoextremista “Abe Cabrera” y las amenazas legales contra 325

November 19th, 2018

325 es un espacio web afín, antiautoritario y rebelde con sede en Reino Unido. Además de dar cobertura (principalmente en inglés) a las acciones y expresiones de la guerra social y a las voces de quienes permanecen entre las rejas de todo el mundo por actuar contra la dominación y sus valores, también han sido una importante parte de la difusión de escritos y comunicados en contra de la autodenominada tendencia eco-extremista, contribuyendo a desenmascararles y a promover la crítica anarquista a sus métodos y propuestas. Recientemente, 325 publicó información (aquí y aquí en castellano) donde ponían nombre y rostro al farsante que sería el presunto ideólogo y cabecilla que bajo el pseudónimo de Abe Cabrera se ha dedicado a difundir esta tendencia en EE.UU., un abogado llamado Arturo Vasquez, por lo que 325 han recibido amenazas de medidas legales contra su página en caso de no retirar esa información.

Nosotres, como afines a les compas de 325 y como refractaries a esta tendencia, también hemos tomado postura en diferentes momentos contra el cinismo ecoextremista, traduciendo textos de compañeres de otras geografías o difundiendo aquellos en nuestra lengua (ver aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí o aquí) y dando soporte a quienes fueron objeto de sus bravatas y de sus amenazas, siéndolo también nosotres en su momento (si bien el único miedo que nos provocó aquello fue el de morir por insuficiencia respiratoria de tanto reírnos).

Aunque habíamos decidido dejar de hablar sobre el eco-extremismo para evitar entrar en su juego y no concederles esa publicidad y esa atención que tan desesperadamente buscan encontrar en los espacios anarquistas, nos hemos sentido atravesades por las mismas amenazas que han levantado contra nuestres compañeres de 325 porque podríamos haber sido nosotres, y por eso queremos apoyarles y compartir la información por cuya publicación están siendo amenazades. Si nos tocan a uno, nos tocan a todes.

A la mierda el ecoextremismo y sus falacias.
A la mierda los chivatos policiales.
Fuerza a 325 y a todes quienes nos hemos posicionado en contra del ecoextremismo y del resto de intentos de infiltración parapolicial/autoritaria dentro de los espacios y movimientos anárquicos.

16 de noviembre, 2018

Cuando ya estábamos convencides de que la “Mafia” eco-extremista/nihilista derechista no podría ser más ridícula, recibimos este e-mail a continuación de les compañeres de nostate.net. Es una amenaza a través de su proveedor del dominio web por el jefe de los “indomables” “teóricos eco-extremistas”, Arturo Vasquez (Abe Cabrera), editor del periódico eco-fascista Atassa de llamar al FBI. Después de que todos esos “compañeros indomables” suyos le colgasen a secar, lo único que le quedaba por hacer es amenazarnos con llamar a la policía.

Esta amenaza del eco-fascista no es nada más que un regalo para nosotres y muestra que de qué va realmente el papa Atassa. Un miserable chivato fantasioso que cree que puede burlarse de nosotres y amenazarnos sin consecuencias, rondando por espacios y blogs online promoviendo el terrorismo indiscriminado y el autoritarismo de los Individualistas Tendiendo a lo Salvaje mientras ataca a la anarquía. Una pulga católica unida al espacio anarquista y a la controversia de difundir amenazas de muerte contra compañeres, mezclando ideas anarquistas con otras irracionales y religiosas.

Vasquez, informante e insignificante cobarde, ¿no cree acaso que el FBI y decenas de otras agencias de seguridad ya monitorizan nuestro sitio web? ¿no sabe ya esta “Mafia” que si nuestra pequeña organización puede averiguar exactamente dónde viven, dónde trabaja y pasa su tiempo, entonces el FBI también sabrá exactamente quién y qué es? Vasquez siempre fue un tonto útil en manos del Estado, igual que toda la tendencia “eco-extremista”.

La contrainformación es una práctica en marcha, continua, dirigida hacia nuestros objetivos anarquistas, nihilistas y antiautoritarios. Realmente no nos importa si nuestro sitio es clausurado, volverá de un modo u otro. Todo continuará.

Solidaridad con les compañeres luchando contra la basura autoritaria y misántropa.


Comunicado amenazante recibido por 325 de parte de Arturo Vasquez:


Querido señor o señora. Mi nombre es Arturo Vasquez, y vivo en los Estados Unidos. He sido objeto de una campaña de acoso basada en una identidad equivocada por parte de un sitio web que vosotros alojáis, en concreto: https://325.nostate.net/

Los links ofensivos están listados aquí:


Como podéis ver, mi foto, una foto de mi mujer, y mi domicilio han sido publicados en ese sitio, así como amenazas de muerte. Debido a la naturaleza de las amenazas, no creo que el webmaster vaya a retirar esos artículos. Por favor avisad si creéis que este contenido es aceptable de acuerdo con vuestras políticas actuales de alojamiento de sitios web, de lo contrario nos veremos obligados a investigar acciones legales, así como a informar al FBI. Vuestra publicación de mi dirección y nuestras fotos en vuestro sitio no es aceptable. Por favor, encontrad mi información de contacto a continuación. Espero respuesta.

Sinceramente, Arturo Vasquez

Teléfono: (510) 529-9690
E-mail: collationes79@gmail.com

La Rebelion de las Palabras

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Anarchist Comrade Wounded in Bomb Attack, Several Arrests

November 17th, 2018

Wednesday, November 14th, in Buenos Aires, almost simultaneously, two locations were attacked with bombs. The first attack, at the Recoleta cemetery, failed unfortunately. The bomb exploded in the hands of one of the two people carrying out the action. It was aimed at the tomb of Ramón Falcón, a police chief who was
responsible for the murder of 11 protesters on May 1st, 1909, and who was assassinated several months later by the anarchist Simón Radowitzky. The comrade who led the attack is in a serious condition in hospital and the comrade who accompanied her was arrested.

A few hours later, a bomb was thrown at the house of Federal Judge Claudio Bonadi. The comrade who led the attack was quickly arrested as well.

On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, 10 people were arrested in a Buenos Aires squat.

As a reminder, the G20 in Buenos Aires begins in 2 weeks.

[Summary from the Argentine press, as soon as more information is published by Argentine comrades, we will publish it]


+ More info: 1 & 2

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