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This Is America #43: Managing the Disaster

Welcome, to This Is America, November 23rd, 2018. In this episode, we hit some of the big headlines, from the role of PG&E in the...

Nothing to Syndicate: Against the Democracy of Work & the Work...

ā€œWe begin to see how Marxism suffers from a kind of conceptual anxiety. There is a desire for socialism on the other side of...

It is Time to Get Serious About Security At Events

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you... but first they...

Milwaukee, WI: Trans Day of Remembrance 2018

The following short report and photo was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. Beginning on Trans Day of Remembrance 2018, MKE anarchists are throwing...

Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee Chapter Starts in Seattle in Wake of...

Announcing the Seattle chapter of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC). This summer we witnessed a prisoner-led struggle for justice on a scale never seen...

Callout for Autonomous Actions Against the Laval Migrant Prison, Quebec, Canada

Callout for autonomous actions against the Laval Migrant Prison, Quebec, Canada. Between November 23rd and December 7th, we are calling for autonomous actions to...

Radical People Podcast #15: Guy in the Sky

Radical People Podcast returns with tales from Appalachia Resist! Season Two of Radical People starts with the telling of a story from back in the...

Superior, WI: Blockade Erected Against Enbridge and Line 3

Anti-Colonial Land Defense sends us this report from the ongoing fight against the Line 3 pipeline. Superior, WI - In the early morning, on Thursday,...

Audio Report: Caravan Arrives in Tijuana and Faces Far-Right Protests

Cover Photo from @Andalalucha In this special audio report, we were able to speak with Mexico based journalist AndalaluchaĀ on what has been happening on the...

“The Time is Now”: A Call to Support the Unist’ot’en Camp

A call to support the Unist'ot'en Camp to stop TransCanada coming into indigenous territory to work on a Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline. THE TIME...

Settler Colonialism and Decolonization: An Anarchist Perspective

Members of the Indigenous Anarchist Federation (FederaciĆ³n Anarquista IndĆ­gena) join Breht to discuss Settler Colonialism and Decolonization. Follow and support the IAF on twitter @IAF__FAI Music...

Hamilton, ON: Against Patriarchy, the Police, and any World That Needs...

Report on a recent action from Feminist Action Hamilton in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. On October 20th, 2018 around 1am, cops showed up to a...

Announcing: Black Flags Over Brooklyn January 2019

Introducing BLACK FLAGS OVER BROOKLYN 2019, a new anti-fascist, anti-racist extreme metal festival coming to the dark heart of Brooklyn on January 25-26, 2019. A...

Final Straw: A Jailhouse Lawyer Speaks About #PrisonStrike 2018

Long running anarchist radio and podcast show The Final Straw presents an interview with someone from Jailhouse Lawyers Speak on the 2018 National Prison...

Two Weddings, 400,000 Funerals: “Sometimes We Have to Celebrate”

I went to a wedding in Qamişlo this week, but the groom was not there. He is in Germany, and following the arranged marriage...

Mixed Guilty Verdict Against First Vaughn 17 Trial Group

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) reports on the ending of the first group of prisoners in the Vaughn 17 trial. For information on how...

Humboldt: Protesters Shut Down Sierra Pacific Industries Clearcut Logging

Supporters of a tree sit in Northern California were able to stop logging activity in the Mattole forest for the day. Humboldt County, CAā€”After putting...

Hotwire #46: Resistance in Chile, Repression Ahead of G20

CrimethInc. offers up their weekly show filled with anarchist news and updates from around the world. In our second to last episode of 2018, we...

Building a Constructive and Revolutionary IWW Union Culture

A critical look and critique on healthy organizational structures, specifically within the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). by Lexi Owens The Industrial Workers of the...

Queer & Femme Skate Day Report Back in Riverside, CA

Report back from community event in Riverside, California organized by the Cactus Collective. What is queer/femme skate day? Queer skate day for us, is a reclamation...

Obama, Comedy, & the Corporate State: Talking with Lee Camp

Lee Camp is an American stand-up comedian, author, and host of the show, Redacted Tonight, which covers everything from surveillance, to fights against pipelines,...
I went to a wedding in Qamişlo this week, but the groom was not there. He is in Germany, and following the arranged marriage his bride will travel out to join him. I know something about the difficulties of securing visas for foreign partners of EU residents, but the...
The tree-sit blocking the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the Hellbender Autonomous Zone turns 75 days old, as one of its participant remarks on events taking place across the US. "Winter is approaching, but we are warm and toasty up here. This blockade has stood for 75 days thus far, and we...
Anti-Colonial Land Defense sends us this report from the ongoing fight against the Line 3 pipeline. Superior, WI - In the early morning, on Thursday, November 22nd, 2018, a tipistola was erected on the entrance to the John A. Blatnik bridge in Superior, Wisconsin. Eight poles were used to represent...
Report on a recent action from Feminist Action Hamilton in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. On October 20th, 2018 around 1am, cops showed up to a call at an apartment above a King St. Shop in Hamilton, Ontario. Inside they found Robyn Garlow, 30yo mother of one, with a knife. They...
Announcing the release of a new green anarchist pamphlet from Edelweiss Pirates (authors of Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions). The PDF for pamphlet printing may be found here and for onscreen reading here. The text dates from 5 years ago and represents one pass at a subject that...
In the lead up to the election, Donald Trump and Fox News anchors attempted to mobilize the Republican base by playing up fears of disease laden refugees from Honduras coming to the United States to seek asylum, ironically fleeing a regime that was helped into place by Hilary Clinton...