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Two Greek anarchists are making molotov cocktails. One says to the other: "So who will we throw these at then?" The other replies: "What are you, some kind of fucking intellectual?"Search
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Tag Archives: Lobster Guy
2018 Victorian state election : far right (and left) candidates
Below : Serial pest Neil Erikson interrupts a Channel 7 broadcast from Bourke Street yesterday. ALA candidate Avi Yemini also sought to capitalise upon the tragedy, today holding a smol rally at the site. This political opportunism is explored by … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!
Tagged 'Tiny' Avi Yemini, 2018 Victorian state election, Australia First Party, Australian Liberty Alliance, Avi Yeminem, Ban Islam Party, Cooks Convicts, Daniel Jones, Daniel MacDonald, David Sydney Maddison, Ewan McDonald, Indhira Bivieca, James Wylie, John Bolton, John Reisner, Kaylah Jones, Kenneth Nichols, Lobster Guy, Mark Brown, Neil Erikson, Online Hate Prevention Institute, Ralf Schumann, Ricky Turner, Rikki Turner, Royston Wilding, Russell Gomez, Siobhann Brown, Susan Jakobi, Tactical Force Combatives, Victorian Socialists
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