WA bollard bulldust: Let’s turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse

WA bollard bulldust: Let’s turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse

The ugly bollards plonked at WA’s parliament may well be a statement by management that they don’t have the money to do anything more pleasing, but that doesn’t mean we should just sit back and accept these concrete liners as a fait accompli.

The concrete liners look pretty ugly.

The concrete liners look pretty ugly.Credit:9 News Perth

Parliament House executive manager Rob Hunter said while their crude appearance wasn’t ideal, they were necessary.

“My department does not have sufficient funding to install expensive infrastructure and my decision to install liners was an affordable and effective alternative," he said.

“Despite the crude appearance the vehicle mitigation design was considered by experts who provided advice on the configuration."


But let’s engage a bit of West Australian ingenuity and paint them. Some CBH grain silos have been painted and they look terrific.

Silo art in Merredin as a part of the FORM Silo Trail.

Silo art in Merredin as a part of the FORM Silo Trail.Credit:Hannah Barry


The group responsible for the Form PUBLIC Silo Trail say “make it art that tells a story - about a people or a place. About the budding cycle of its wildflowers, the beautiful species of seadragon found only off the coast.”

Why not employ the same principle here, not only thumbing our noses at terrorism but creating a tourist attraction at our state’s parliament?

And why not ask art students from around the state to compete for the prize of decorating the bollards?

Let’s turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse and make it a celebration of local talent and unique picture stories with our capital city and the parliament as respective backdrops.

We could even plant them out with some beautiful and hardy native and indigenous plants, mitigating the heat island effect created by concrete on bitumen, and enticing birds and beneficial insects to the locale.

If they need to be low growing, choose ground covers like grevillea “Gin Gin Gem” or dampiera or hemiandra or coastal pigface.

The pink pig face would give the bollards a lovely spark of colour.

The pink pig face would give the bollards a lovely spark of colour.Credit:Jane Marwick

But if height is not a problem, why not fill them with great colourful stands of kangaroo paws. Nothing says welcome to Western Australia like our floral emblem.

The Department of Premier and cabinet’s website says "the striking flower of the Red and Green Kangaroo Paw, found naturally only in Western Australia, is the State's floral emblem".

Announcing the choice in November 1960, the then Premier of Western Australia, David Brand, said "... the Kangaroo Paw is so outstanding that it was the logical choice. It has grace and beauty, striking colour and distinctive outline - and it grows naturally only in Western Australia".

Nothing says welcome to WA like a kangaroo paw.

Nothing says welcome to WA like a kangaroo paw.Credit:Jane Marwick

It was considered that the emblem would heighten tourist interest in the state's wildflowers and was recommended by Premier Brand on the advice of the state's Tourist Development Authority.

These days, the popularity of kangaroo paws has seen many new hybrids and a diverse range of colours and heights.

The plants are drought-tolerant and low to no maintenance. Granted, kangaroo paws need a trim after they have flowered, but I’m sure a cherry-picker could be found.

And they’re cheap. I checked with the Lullfitzes, a name synonymous with wildflower propagation in this state. They’re having a sale, with tube stock at 50cents and 200ml pots going for $3.

These big lumps of concrete are blank canvasses, empty pot planters, awaiting ingenuity and creativity. Let’s embrace and beautify them.