Topic | Population | WAtoday


Two-millionth citizen loves a Melbourne with 5 million people

Two-millionth citizen loves a Melbourne with 5 million people

Hey, baby: we track down the bub dubbed Melbourne's citizen No. 2 million, in 1963.

  • by Carolyn Webb


Alan Tudge backs 'a bigger Australia' as he eyes the demon of population policy

Alan Tudge backs 'a bigger Australia' as he eyes the demon of population policy

"I’m not suggesting that for a second that it’s migrants’ fault – not at all," the new Minister for Cities said.

  • by Michael Koziol
Melbourne at 5 million and the migrants who helped shape the city

Melbourne at 5 million and the migrants who helped shape the city

When Melbourne hit each of its milestones — one million in 1929, two million in 1963, three million in 1988, four million in 2010 and five million this year — different waves of migrants were changing the face of the city. The Age spoke to some of them.

  • by Tom Cowie & Sarah Emery
Melbourne's growth has been extraordinary, but at what cost?

Melbourne's growth has been extraordinary, but at what cost?

While our city has done many things right, we have also made some terrible mistakes.

  • by Seamus O’Hanlon
Five million Melburnians: City's population hits milestone tomorrow

Five million Melburnians: City's population hits milestone tomorrow

Official data says the 5 million mark will be passed sometime on Saturday. It was only eight years ago that we topped 4 million - how did we get so big so quickly?

  • by Clay Lucas & Craig Butt
New portfolio seeks to ease city crowding with infrastructure investment and decentralisation

New portfolio seeks to ease city crowding with infrastructure investment and decentralisation

Easing pressure on major cities is not just about immigration, population minister Alan Tudge says.

  • by Fergus Hunter & Eryk Bagshaw
Three's a crowd: Millennials are shifting Australia's family values

Three's a crowd: Millennials are shifting Australia's family values

Marriage is unimportant and three kids are too many for most, a new survey has found.

  • by Jenny Noyes
Let's talk immigration and population, hold the hysteria

Let's talk immigration and population, hold the hysteria

As Fraser Anning's 'final solution' comments reminded us, immigration is a tough topic to touch. But we can't afford to ignore it any longer.

  • by Royce Millar & Ben Schneiders
Reflections of the 11,120,000th Australian

Reflections of the 11,120,000th Australian

Rising above the mere mathematics of the population-immigration debate, I have been thinking about the whole wondrous phenomenon of migration, our species’ need of it, hunger for it and aptitude for it.

  • by Ian Warden
It's getting crowded around here, and that's a good thing

It's getting crowded around here, and that's a good thing

A booming population means some growing pains, but it's necessary for our growing standard of living.

  • by Nicholas Reece
Fresh blood: Australia is still lucky, thanks to our young migrants

Fresh blood: Australia is still lucky, thanks to our young migrants

Our median age of 37 makes Australia one of the youngest countries and is good news for the economy but there are so many other pressures we won't even notice.

  • by Ross Gittins