Topic | Mental health | WAtoday

Mental health

No clear plan to fix mental health system crisis, says report

No clear plan to fix mental health system crisis, says report

Victoria’s acute care system for mental illness is starved of funding, short of staff and in continual crisis mode, Victoria’s auditor-general says.

  • by Adam Carey


Ross Lyon sticks to his guns in defence of Jesse Hogan
WA sport

Ross Lyon sticks to his guns in defence of Jesse Hogan

Fremantle coach Ross Lyon has commentators to tone down their cynicism over gun recruit Jesse Hogan's clinical anxiety condition after a weekend drinking session put his expected debut on Sunday for his new club on ice.

  • by David Prestipino
Leaders urged to declare Aboriginal child suicides a 'national crisis'

Leaders urged to declare Aboriginal child suicides a 'national crisis'

Prime Minister Scott Morrison must declare Indigenous child suicides a national emergency.

  • by Kate Aubusson
'Not one person without risk': Dockers coach Lyon backs Hogan gamble
WA sport

'Not one person without risk': Dockers coach Lyon backs Hogan gamble

Fremantle coach Ross Lyon has cast a light on the relentless pressure on modern AFL footballers after the club's decision to put boom recruit Jesse Hogan's debut on ice after an alcohol-fuelled weekend.

  • by David Prestipino
Respected AFL figures criticise Fremantle's handling of Jesse Hogan
WA sport

Respected AFL figures criticise Fremantle's handling of Jesse Hogan

Some of AFL's most respected figures have criticised senior figures at Fremantle Football Club for their recruitment and subsequent management of Jesse Hogan.

  • by David Prestipino
Government urged to revisit consumer advice for suicide scenes

Government urged to revisit consumer advice for suicide scenes

"Consideration of our most vulnerable should always be our highest priority."

  • by Broede Carmody
Psychology patients have unmet demand for male therapists

Psychology patients have unmet demand for male therapists

Many psychology patients would prefer to see a male therapist, possibly because they are considered "more authoritative".

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
How establishing outer order contributes to your inner sense of calm
Mental health

How establishing outer order contributes to your inner sense of calm

Is the key to happiness as simple as keeping order in your home life? Here's how to make room for the things you truly value.

  • by Gretchen Rubin
How cultivating a positive mindset benefits your 'emotional fitness'

How cultivating a positive mindset benefits your 'emotional fitness'

Not only will you be happier, you'll think more clearly.

  • by Evelyn Lewin
Could daydreaming be the path to greater creativity and mental health?

Could daydreaming be the path to greater creativity and mental health?

There has been research to show mind-wandering indicates higher intellect and creativity.

  • by Jenny Haward
Teen suicide a hidden crisis on Australia's doorstep

Teen suicide a hidden crisis on Australia's doorstep

New research has found teen suicide rates in developing countries is significantly higher than developed countries

  • by Stuart Layt