Rottnest 'ghost town': Leavers stay away from island

Rottnest 'ghost town': Leavers stay away from island

Rottnest businesses have described the main settlement as a “ghost town” after they spent weeks preparing for the school leavers 2018 period.

Just 87 leavers made their way over to the island on Monday, a significant downturn from previous years when the island was one of the most popular locations for students to spend their end of year celebrations.

Rottnest Island remains quiet during the traditionally busy time.

Rottnest Island remains quiet during the traditionally busy time.Credit:Tourism WA

Earlier predictions had the number at just 100, down from 1000 five years ago.

The schoolies period had become a time families avoided the island.


Local businesses told WAtoday the atmosphere on the island was significantly quieter than normal, and Rottnest Bakery manager Nick said he believed there was a 50 per cent downturn in visitors from last year.

“It’s dramatically quieter than last year to be honest,” he said.

“Especially for this time of year, the weather’s usually pretty good over here which means people – but over the last four days or so, it’s become a ghost town.”

Nick said while the weekend was busy, the number of visitors dropped off at the start of leaver’s week.

“To be honest, I haven’t really seen any [leavers],” he said.

The Rottnest Island Bakery.

The Rottnest Island Bakery.Credit:Rottnest Island Authority

“We always try and to make sure we [stock] and go by the year before, and last year wasn’t actually too bad for us at all.

“A lot of them used to come in during the day and get food and stuff, and I don’t really know what’s happened this year.

“They haven’t really done anything for them to want to come over.”

The Rottnest Island IGA also agreed the island had been quieter in recent days.

The Rottnest Island Authority aids other organisations Leavers WA and the Red Frog organisation in setting up the island for leavers week, but it’s understood many of the standard events included in a wristband entry fee were restricted to three DJ party nights.

The Rottnest Leavers website indicates leavers can also get access to the island’s bars if they are 18 or over.

Other activities such as sky-diving, snorkelling, swimming and cycling are all available through the Rottnest Island Authority and other private operators at a separate cost.

Locals have told WAtoday 16 police officers are stationed on the island; about one police officer for every six leavers.

If leavers misbehave, they risk being kicked off the island.

Leavers are abandoning the island in favour of Dunsborough.

Leavers are abandoning the island in favour of Dunsborough.Credit:Andrew Elstermann

Speaking to WAtoday last month, Rottnest Island Authority executive director Michelle Reynolds said while she was disappointed the numbers had dropped, she understood the current trend and wanted leavers to have a fun and safe time.

“For many, leavers is a rite of passage from school to adulthood," she said.

“I understand leavers want to go to where their friends are going, and there are no hard feelings.

“The lack of leaver celebrations this year provides an opportunity for families to visit heading into summer."

The Dunsborough Leavers' event vastly overshadows its island cousin, with the South West town expecting to accommodate 8000 school leavers in the region this year.

Hannah Barry is a Fairfax Media journalist based in Western Australia, focused on breaking news.