The chance encounter that led to a TV adaptation 25 years later

The chance encounter that led to a TV adaptation 25 years later

The student really does become the master.

Isobelle Carmody's award-winning book The Gathering is being made into a television show more than two decades after it was first released. But there's a twist.

Australian author Isobelle Carmody.

Australian author Isobelle Carmody.Credit:Wolter Peeters

The director of the six-part drama, Nicholas Verso, first met Carmody (no relation to this article's writer) when he was just 12 years old. In 1993, his school librarian organised a school excursion that saw him attend a writing workshop at Anglesea, on Victoria's Surf Coast.

Carmody's fantasy series the Obernewtyn Chronicles was at the height of its popularity and Verso was, in his own words, a little starstruck. But that didn't stop him from telling his pre-teen idol that he wanted to turn her slightly more realist book, The Gathering, into a movie.


"I'm sure she was very polite and encouraging, wondering who this weirdo kid was," Verso recalls.

For her part, Carmody says she remembers the conversation vividly. She even knew who Verso was when he first contacted her about transforming The Gathering into a television production. But this time, it wasn't a throw-away line spoken by a 12-year-old.

"I remember this great conversation we had about movies and the fact he grew up wanting to be a screenwriter," Carmody recalls. "He was, as a young man, an out-of-the-box, interesting person and to have that mind and ability focused on my work is a compliment. It's a connection that has spanned time. It's so lovely."

Earlier this week, Screen Australia announced it was providing funding to help get the TV adaptation of The Gathering  off the ground.

At this stage, the project won't stray too far from the original: Carmody's book follows a group of disillusioned teenagers who learn they must fight centuries-old evil that has been simmering within their small, working-class town. The six-part teen drama is being co-written by Craig Irwin, who worked with Verso on Nowhere Boys, with Mystery Road's Kodie Bedford also joining the writing room.

Nicholas Verso's 1993 copy of The Gathering that is being used for the 2018 script adaption.

Nicholas Verso's 1993 copy of The Gathering that is being used for the 2018 script adaption.

Verso says the book he is using to help develop the script is his childhood copy from all those years ago. The novel is signed by Carmody herself, with a note that reads: "Believing is the magic."

"My copy of the book she signed that day on the beach is from December 16, 1993," he said. "So my goal is to have the first draft of the first episode ready for Isobelle for the 25th anniversary of me asking her to adapt it. It really was one of my favourite books as a teenager, so I'm very excited to be bringing it to life."

Carmody said The Gathering has been her bestselling book to date, with many people forced to study it in school.

"Part of me is excited that all of us will get to see it reincarnated at this time," she said. "The kids don't use iPhones or anything like that. But I think the themes at the heart of it – like friendship and whether friendship could ever have a cost that is too high, the idea of power and powerlessness – I think those things will always be relevant."

Broede Carmody is an entertainment reporter at Fairfax Media.