Topic | Farming | Canberra Times


Grazier breaks kelpie world record by paying $22k for dog called Seven

Grazier breaks kelpie world record by paying $22k for dog called Seven

A western Victorian grazier has paid a 'staggering' $22,200 at auction for a two-year-old kelpie.

  • by Carolyn Webb


'Biggest case' officials have seen as wedge-tailed eagle death toll soars in Victoria's east

'Biggest case' officials have seen as wedge-tailed eagle death toll soars in Victoria's east

Almost 140 dead wedge-tailed eagles and four other protected bird species were found poisoned on a property in East Gippsland.

  • by Melissa Cunningham & Simone Fox Koob
Live exports 'disgusting' but needed in tough times, says farmer

Live exports 'disgusting' but needed in tough times, says farmer

Brian Klowss has farmed in the Wimmera for nearly a quarter of a century. And over the years thousands of his sheep have been sold for live export,

  • by Darren Gray
Drought relief for farmers on cabinet agenda
Malcolm Turnbull

Drought relief for farmers on cabinet agenda

The federal government is considering an urgent extension for the farm household payment.

  • by David Crowe
Crop exports to wilt as autumn rains fail over much of Australia
Extreme weather

Crop exports to wilt as autumn rains fail over much of Australia

Australia's third-driest May on record has compounded the misery facing many of the nation's farmers, with the window for winter plantings closing fast.

  • by Peter Hannam
Wet season returns to Kimberley as irrigation projects get green light

Wet season returns to Kimberley as irrigation projects get green light

The Environmental Protection Authority has recommended approval of another major irrigation project in the Kimberley.

  • by Hamish Hastie
Outlier fire ant nests targeted in Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim

Outlier fire ant nests targeted in Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim

Nests just outside the eradication zones have been found in south-east Queensland.

  • by Lucy Stone
The world wants more camel milk? Ex-BHP engineer is happy to supply it
BHP Billiton

The world wants more camel milk? Ex-BHP engineer is happy to supply it

Marcel Steingiesser gave up a 14-year career at the world's biggest mining company to stake his future on what he says is a better opportunity - camel milk.

  • by Rebecca Keenan
Australia Post stamps get a little grainy as silos take centre stage

Australia Post stamps get a little grainy as silos take centre stage

The Ravensthorpe grain silos will feature as part of a new stamp series from today.

  • by Hamish Hastie
Armed with gas and cows, Kazakhstan takes aim at land degradation

Armed with gas and cows, Kazakhstan takes aim at land degradation

Kazakhstan is using natural gas and cows made genetically efficient to slow the pace of land degradation caused by deforestation and overgrazing

  • by Thin Lei Win
Key farm scheme badly rorted, migrant workers paid $8 an hour

Key farm scheme badly rorted, migrant workers paid $8 an hour

Tulia Roqara hoped to make enough money picking tomatoes at a Victorian farm to be able set up a pastry shop back in Vanuatu. The reality was much different

  • by Ben Schneiders