Cute moment when Rowan, 5, gave a painting to the Chief Minister

Cute moment when Rowan, 5, gave a painting to the Chief Minister

Friday's launch of The Smith Family Christmas Appeal in Canberra had a very cute moment when five-year-old Rowan Blackmore gave Chief Minister Andrew Barr one of his paintings.

Five-year-old Rowan Blackmore, of Kambah, had the honour of presenting his framed painting to Chief Minister Andrew Barr at the Smith Family Christmas Appeal launch on Friday.

Five-year-old Rowan Blackmore, of Kambah, had the honour of presenting his framed painting to Chief Minister Andrew Barr at the Smith Family Christmas Appeal launch on Friday.Credit:Karleen Minney

Mr Barr said he liked that the painting had blue, green and red in it - "a bit like the Assembly".

The Smith Family's regional programs manager Olga Srbovski said it was a "deconstructed rainbow" - while little Rowan was a little overwhelmed by the attention.

The painting is set to take pride of place in Mr Barr's office.