The Chase's Governess 'breaks' autism website after discussing condition on I'm a Celebrity

The Chase's Governess 'breaks' autism website after discussing condition on I'm a Celebrity

Anne Hegerty, the stoic Governess on Seven quiz show The Chase, has earned praise from viewers for speaking openly about her Asperger's condition on I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!

Hegerty, 60, is currently appearing in the UK version of the reality hit, being filmed in Springwood National Park on the NSW north coast.

After admitting she was struggling in the season's first episode, Hegerty opened up to her castmates about her experience with Asperger's, which she was diagnosed with at age 45.

"It's an autistic thing, when you're trying to work out what to do... What neurotypicals have is a thing called mirror neurons, so they can see a thing done and know how to do it. And I have to kind of line the mirror neurons up in my head... I have to actually work it out beforehand," she said in a revealing exchange with actress Rita Simons.


Simons told Hegerty she didn't seem she had a problem with "picking up on social cues", a characteristic of the condition.

Anne Hegerty and Andrew O'Keefe on The Chase Australia.

Anne Hegerty and Andrew O'Keefe on The Chase Australia.Credit:Seven Network

"Thank you, that's something that I've sort of worked on. As a teenager I was absolutely useless at it," Hegerty replied.

"There are things, if you saw my house you'd know there was something very wrong... And I just get overwhelmed at all the things there are to do," she added.

Later, addressing the camera, Hegerty said she appreciated the exchange.

"I didn't raise the autism issue - 'By the way, I have this interesting disability which you have to accommodate!' - I try not to do that. But if someone else raises it, I make it quite clear that I'm happy to talk about it," she said.

The scene drew a strong response from viewers, who praised Hegerty for speaking openly about her experience and dissecting the stereotypes associated with autism.

The UK's National Autistic Society also released a statement saying their website broke following the episode.

"We've loved seeing the outpouring of support for Anne Hegerty. We hope this will be the start of better representation for autistic women in the media and help everyone understand the diversity of autism," the statement read.

Hegerty, who has appeared on Seven's version of The Chase since 2015, has previously discussed her condition. Last month, she told UK talk show Loose Women that she was diagnosed in 2005, two years after seeing a documentary on autism on TV "that rang bells with me".

"I remember in my diary writing, 'I'm beginning to suspect again that I have Asperger's syndrome,'" she said.

Jenny Ryan, Hegerty's The Chase co-star in the UK, told ITV's This Morning of Hegerty's intentions in agreeing to appear on I'm A Celebrity.

"I can see that it's very stressful for her, but on the other hand Anne is a very determined woman," Ryan said.

"One of the things she was desperate to do was to go on the show and to show people who have ASD [autistic spectrum disorder] that anything is possible, that you can challenge yourself, to spread the word about the condition, the different ways it affects people, and the different ways that people who are neurotypical should react to people who have ASD."

Rob Moran is an Entertainment reporter for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and Brisbane Times.