Britain cannot turn its back on Europe

Britain cannot turn its back on Europe

After more than two years of tabloid hysteria since Britain voted to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a draft deal that is fairly similar to what everyone expected: a soft Brexit in which Britain will remain subject to many EU laws and, in exchange, retain a lot of access to the EU’s market.

Theresa May has a deal with the EU and secured reluctant backing from her cabinet.

Theresa May has a deal with the EU and secured reluctant backing from her cabinet.Credit:Bloomberg

Cue even more tabloid hysteria and apocalyptic warnings from Brexiteers such as former foreign minister Boris Johnson, who has described the deal as turning Britain into a ‘‘vassal state’’ because it will continue to pay cash into the EU budget and suffer the jurisdiction of some European courts.


In some ways, the real battle has just started. Mrs May has a deal with the EU and has secured reluctant backing from her cabinet, which includes many who, like Mr Johnson, would have liked to cut all ties with the EU. But Mrs May is certainly not guaranteed a majority on the floor of Parliament, where Tory rebels and many MPs in Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-globalisation Labour Party will reject it.

Mrs May will struggle to secure the votes of the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland. The Protestant loyalists will be worried that the deal gives the six counties a different status to the rest of Britain. Northern Ireland will not stay in the EU and Mrs May does not argue it should.

The debate in the Commons will be bitter, and it is highly unlikely to end the decades of soul-searching about Britain’s relationship with Europe. Even if the deal passes with a narrow majority, the country will still be bitterly split between those who accept this muddling compromise, the little Englanders who demand a diamond-hard Brexit and the 54 per cent of voters who think this is all a bad dream and wish Britain could just have stayed inside the EU.

Misty-eyed Australian Anglophiles such as John Howard, Tony Abbott and Alexander Downer who want Britain to throw off the shackles of the Continent and do Brexit hard should ask themselves why Mrs May has ignored their gratuitous advice and opted for continuing ties with the EU, even at the expense of a loss of sovereignty. Mrs May has taken a pragmatic approach that acknowledges that after 50 years Britain is inextricably bound to the EU economy, and that the EU is not as bad as British jingoist tabloids paint it.

Australia’s interests may well have been better served had Britain voted to remain within Europe, given our interest in having a free-market, liberal country and a close ally inside the councils of the EU. Australia is negotiating a free-trade deal with the EU in which it is pressing for cuts to EU agriculture subsidies. If Britain leaves, Australia will lose a voice to oppose the power of the French farm lobby.


Yet if the British Parliament rejects Mrs May’s compromise soft-Brexit proposal, there is no certainty that the ‘‘remain’’ cause would triumph. Mrs May would probably have to resign and Britain could stumble into a hard Brexit, which would create chaos at the ports of the Channel in March, when under EU treaties Brexit must take place. Given the considerable risk of a no-deal, accepting Mrs May’s proposal is probably the least worst option.

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