The Age editorial | The Age


Terror must not divide us

Terror must not divide us

Australia has shown over the past decade that together we can fight terrorism without tearing our country apart or sacrificing our values of tolerance and pluralism.


When the guns finally fell silent

When the guns finally fell silent

Behind the bravery, behind the mythology, there was always the sacrifice. Grief was laid bare in towns across Australia.

Australia well placed in a turbulent world
National security

Australia well placed in a turbulent world

Australia is well-placed having China as our biggest economic partner, the US as our biggest ally, strong ties in Europe and a leading role in our region.

There's more to regional ties than security

There's more to regional ties than security

Australia must show that its interest in the south-west Pacific is not just about geopolitics but extends to genuine humanitarian concern for the region’s development.

Spending surge detail must be scrutinised

Spending surge detail must be scrutinised

We need transparency and accountability to ensure Victoria's investment surge does not become unduly politicised or commercially exploited.

Can Shorten hold his nerve on China?

Can Shorten hold his nerve on China?

The Labor leader has suggested foreign policy must be attached to ethical values. At times, both he and his party have appeared to struggle with that proposition.

Melbourne Cup not the only race in town, but it's the most fun

Melbourne Cup not the only race in town, but it's the most fun

Each first Tuesday in November this fabled horse race unites people.

Pioneer journalist Caroline Wilson has put a spotlight on sexism

Pioneer journalist Caroline Wilson has put a spotlight on sexism

The prejudice and unfairness Wilson has faced throughout her career because of her gender persist - in journalism and across our economy and society.

Trump is not the cause, he's a symptom of what troubles Americans

Trump is not the cause, he's a symptom of what troubles Americans

Profound divisions – over immigration and race, Prohibition and abortion – are part of the United States' basic fabric.

Rape victims deserve skilled police care

Rape victims deserve skilled police care

All one need do is imagine, for but a wretched moment, the professional help you’d desperately for the victim were she or he someone you love.

PM finally showing foreign policy smarts

PM finally showing foreign policy smarts

Scott Morrison is making reassuring noises on foreign affairs, but it is still too early to judge whether he understands how to run the policies.