Missteps, but heading in right direction

Missteps, but heading in right direction

Removing a first-term government is rare and momentous. It carries community cost, for it inevitably disrupts policy implementation, creates uncertainty for the investors and businesses and causes a hiatus as the new team gets established.

The cost is financial, too, as new governments tend to dump their predecessor’s projects, as was spectacularly the case when Victorians rejected the Coalition four years ago after a single term, only to find a $1billion time bomb in the form of a secret commitment to a private road-building company should the $18 billion East-West Link be abandoned.


Credit:Andrew Meares

So it was, as we said in an editorial before the 2014 ballot, ‘‘with little enthusiasm, and much reservation, The Sunday Age believes Labor is better able to lead Victoria’’. The Baillieu/Napthine government had been ineffectual, even inert.

But it is with no great enthusiasm that we endorse the return of Daniel Andrews’ government. While it set about fulfilling many election commitments, there have been troubling issues of probity. It has been racked by scandals, including siphoning public electoral funds to pay for grassroots campaigners in the so-called Red Shirts affair. It then spent $1million on a legal battle to suppress the truth. There is a continuing police investigation; more than 20 current and former ALP members of parliament, including several ministers, are refusing to answer questions, as is their technical right. There was also the rorting of parliamentary entitlements that saw the speaker and deputy speaker resign.


But Opposition Leader Matthew Guy and his team have failed to make a sufficient case for change. Further, there are questions surrounding Mr Guy’s judgment, particularly over some of his decisions as planning minister in the previous government. There also was his infamous ‘‘Lobster with an alleged mobster’’ dinner last year with a man believed by police to be an organised crime kingpin.

The ALP has been in power in Victoria for 15 of the past 19 years, and so must accept much of the responsibility for the failure to invest in infrastructure, an error that has caused Melbourne’s population growing pains. The Andrews government, however, deserves praise for undertaking much-needed work – through its level-crossing removals, Metro tunnel project and, more broadly, investment in public transport, schools and hospitals.

It has also been true to its word on returning funding to the TAFE sector and tackling the pressing issue of climate change. The latter, for instance, through its smart $1.34 billion solar panel policy, making power cleaner and cheaper, thus helping ease cost-of living concerns.

Both sides realise population growth is a dominant issue. Mr Guy’s vision to decentralise the state and promote the regions has enormous merit and might well, when fully fleshed out, provide his party a path to government in four years.

Some decades ago, the two major political groupings regularly garnered about 98 per cent of the vote. Today, fully a third of voters select neither. This reflects disaffection with the main parties.

But the voting system in the upper house – with the preference deals between minor parties and independents – means candidates who win a mere handful of primary votes can become highly remunerated, pivotal lawmakers.

So, should you wish your specific preferences to be reflected, it is necessary to vote ‘‘below the line’’, rather than simply ticking a party’s box.

It’s a small price to pay to elect people who might help hold our next government to higher standards.

  • A note from the editor – Subscribers can have Age editor Alex Lavelle's exclusive weekly newsletter delivered to their inbox by signing up here: www.theage.com.au/editornote