Morrison must avoid population populism

Morrison must avoid population populism

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is being careful not to disparage robust population growth per se as he readies the community for a reduction in the number of immigrants, amid concerns about growing pains, particularly in Melbourne, Sydney and south-east Queensland.

It is a delicate balance he is seeking to strike, for immigration, which has long accounted for the majority of Australia’s population growth, has delivered copious economic and cultural benefits. More than anything else, it has shaped and defined our multicultural nation – half of us were born in another country or have at least one parent who was.

It is, of course, valid, even crucial, to examine and perpetually calibrate immigration.

It is, of course, valid, even crucial, to examine and perpetually calibrate immigration.Credit:Phil Carrick

But a lack of planning and investment in infrastructure has shifted public focus from the longer-term benefits of immigration to temporary costs including traffic congestion, crowded public transport and under-serviced urban sprawl.

It’s an important debate that, for the moment, distils to whether Australia should cut the number of people moving to Australia. What are the optimal levels of immigration, overall population growth and infrastructure investment?


Political pressure has been mounting to relieve the population pressure. The ALP opposition says it’s open to a well-argued change. Former Liberal prime minister Tony Abbott wants immigration halved. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian wants a cut. Saturday’s election in Victoria has been dominated by debate about growing pains. The current annual cap of 190,000, Mr Morrison is indicating, will probably be reduced by about 30,000 – roughly the amount by which it fell in the year to July, partly because of slower processing of visas.

It is, of course, valid, even crucial, to examine and perpetually calibrate immigration but this public debate carries risks requiring astute judgment, for it can be readily hijacked by people seeking to fuel prejudice and undue fear. There are no such things as ‘‘Australian values’’ – there are universal human values, honoured or trampled depending on the quality of government.

Studies throughout the world have long demonstrated the huge net benefits of immigration. So, the best way to deal with growing pains is not to slash the number of people adding to our economy and society, but to build more public transport, roads, schools and the like, one of the best investments a government can make.

Mr Morrison’s approach appears encumbered by flawed logic. Immigration is, by definition, a national issue, yet the Prime Minister wants the states and territories to play a role in determining the intake. It may be impractical – and morally and legally dubious – to expect immigrants to settle in a specific spot. What can and should be done, though, is to nationally co-ordinate regional development to take the pressure off capital cities.

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has been creatively and carefully leading the calls for such an approach, which is based on upgrading rail links and providing incentives, including housing and payroll tax concessions, to live and work in the regions. Immigration has made Australia one of the most prosperous and feted nations.
We have but one third of 1 per cent of the global population, yet the 12th largest economy. Easing the pace of population growth to allow infrastructure to catch up has merit. Using growing pains to undermine our greatest strength does not.

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