We deserve some political stability

We deserve some political stability

On one level, the staggering developments in Canberra make for extraordinary intrigue, speculation and plenty of compelling news.

On another, they are incredibly demoralising and play to the narrative that our politicians are more interested in personalities than policy, self-interest than effective leadership.

As Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton and perhaps Julie Bishop face off to take over from the mortally wounded Malcolm Turnbull, we are looking at the prospect of having our eighth prime minister in less than 12 years.

Veteran political reporter Tony Wright is calling the current shambles the biggest crisis for a government since the Dismissal.

The list of prime ministers since 2007 reads Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Abbott and Turnbull. And soon the names Dutton, Morrison or Bishop, and then probably Shorten are next.


Since 2007 there have been a staggering nine leadership spills – four Liberal Party votes and five Labor.

The BBC is calling Australia the coup capital of the world.

This revolving door of PMs coincided with the advent of Twitter. Coincidence? Possibly, but the speed at which momentum gathers around political upheaval has undoubtedly increased on the back of social media – and the rise of Donald Trump and the Brexit vote were heavily influenced by it.

"Whatever happens over the next few days, weeks and months, we deserve some political stability over the next decade.''

Turnbull had virtually no hope of beating Shorten in an election – the key reason for his demise, aside from a paralysis on policy.

Dutton would have more chance if he succeeds in taking over the leadership, and while Labor is cheering this shambles from the sidelines, it should be wary.

While Dutton would struggle to gain traction in Victoria, he would win back disenfranchised conservative voters and attract those looking for a ''disrupter'' to shake up the political landscape.

He would go hard on immigration policy, an area in which he has plenty of sympathisers.

In the UK in the '80s, it was hard to find people who admitted they had voted for Margaret Thatcher, but she somehow won elections in a landslide.

Dutton may not be particularly popular according to polls, but some of his policies are.

Whatever happens over the next few days, weeks and months, we deserve some political stability over the next decade.

While moving to fixed four-year terms appears an irrelevant idea given two years has been a better-than-average stint for a leader recently, it would help government MPs think more long term in the interests of the people, rather than spending half their time in election mode and fighting among themselves.

Effective leaders would be putting Australians first.

Vale Ron Carter

This week, Ron Carter, who was The Age's chief football writer until 1999, died. He retired soon before I arrived at The Age, but his reputation was immense.

He was spoken about fondly long after left, and the weekly Thursday night footy teams story is still named in his honour.

Journalist, author and publisher Geoff Slattery, who worked with Ron for several years, wrote an excellent tribute to him, which you can read here.

Alex Lavelle is the editor of The Age. He is also a former sports editor of The Age.