'Catastrophe': Bight oil spill could reach NSW coast, leaked report shows

'Catastrophe': Bight oil spill could reach NSW coast, leaked report shows

The blowout of an oil well in the Great Australian Bight could leak for more than 100 days and foul beaches along Australia's coastline from Albany in WA to Sydney's beaches and beyond, a leaked document shows.

The draft oil pollution emergency plan for Norwegian oil giant Equinor's planned Stromlo-1 exploration drilling in the Bight, was obtained by Greenpeace. The proposed drilling is in waters about 370 km from the nearest coastline at water depths of 2239 metres.

Australia has had offshore oil drilling woes in the past, such as PTTEP's West Atlas oil rig blaze off the Kimberley coast in 2009.

Australia has had offshore oil drilling woes in the past, such as PTTEP's West Atlas oil rig blaze off the Kimberley coast in 2009.

Modelling for the "loss of well control" assumed average daily release of 6739 cubic metres of oil, creating a slick of "potentially high concentrations of surface oil" near Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island in South Australia, Port Fairy in Victoria and King Island in Bass Strait.

So-called weathered oil - hardened tar balls of more than 10 grams per square metre after part of the fuel evaporates - would eventually reach as far up the NSW coast as Port Macquarie north of Sydney.


Rick Steiner, a retired marine conservation professor at the University of Alaska now working with Greenpeace, said the ecological and environmental damage from an offshore well blowout was potentially huge. Shoreline pollution would represent only a tiny fraction of the impact, with much of pollution sinking to sea floor.

"While there might only be small likelihood [of a well failure], the consequences are so catastrophic," Professor Steiner said. "It's an easy choice."

The damage risk included the potential deaths of hundreds of thousands of sea birds, thousands of mammals, the closure of fisheries and a drop in tourism.

“This [leaked report] should be the final nail in the coffin of Bight oil drilling,” Nathaniel Pelle, Greenpeace Australia Pacific senior campaigner, said.


Professor Steiner said that according to the projections of Equinor - formerly known as Statoil - a spill could total as much as 4.3 million barrels. That would eclipse BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 that left a damage bill of $US60 billion ($83 billion).

Even those estimates, though, may be conservative, Professor Steiner said, noting BP's estimates for its own proposed drilling the Great Australian Bight assumed a worst case of leakage lasting out to 149 days before well shutdown.

Under such a scenario, the slick could stretch much further, including as far as the Great Barrier Reef, he said.

Jone Stangeland, Equinor Australia's country manager, said work on the environmental plan was "not yet finalised".

"The images of the oil spill simulation do not represent a realistic scenario," Mr Stangeland said. "They show 100 simulations in different weather conditions. Critically, they show 100 events without any response action taken," he added. "We would not undertake an drilling activity if this was a realistic outcome."

He also defended the company's track record despite two offshore well control incidents in 2010 and 2016, saying the company had drilled 6000 wells on the Norwegian Continental Shelf without any pollution reaching the coastline.

Matt Canavan, federal resources minister, said the independent National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority "will not allow any oil and gas activity to proceed unless it is safe for the environment, the community and workers".

"Development in the Bight has the potential to transform the South Australian economy, and lead to thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of income to Australians," he said, adding that 13 wells had been drilled in the region since 1972 - and thousands in Bass Strait - without incident.

Sarah Hanson-Young, the Greens environment spokeswoman, said Equinor should follow BP and Chevron and ditch its plans for drilling in the Bight.

“This alarming new data must put to bed any consideration for allowing oil and gas drilling in the Great Australian Bight," Senator Hanson-Young said.

“Not only is the risk of an oil spill too great, but drilling in the Bight locks us into burning fossil fuels at a time when we need to phase out dirty energy to help arrest climate change."

Peter Hannam is Environment Editor at The Sydney Morning Herald. He covers broad environmental issues ranging from climate change to renewable energy for Fairfax Media.