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Melbourne, Australia
Unit: abril de 2009


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  1. fa 12 minuts

    'Only I am being prosecuted': David Leyonhjelm raises sexism in local court stoush

  2. fa 52 minuts

    ANALYSIS This is one poll that Matthew Guy cannot wish away

  3. fa 1 hora

    Election eve poll is all bad news for Matthew Guy

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 1 hora

    A quick reminder of this year's top five .... Sam Walsh from Geelong Falcons tops the charts

  5. fa 2 hores

    The one-time Trump adviser spreading disinformation to Australia

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    This year's No.5 selection ....

  7. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    Gold Coast's second selection, No.3 overall, is ....

  8. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    And this year's No.2 selection is ....

  9. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    And this year's No.1 draft selection is Sam Walsh. Congratulations

  10. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    Is the introduction of live trading of draft picks a good thing?

  11. ha retuitat
    fa 4 hores

    Coach Justin Langer says Australia is tired of being 'bashed up', reports

  12. ha retuitat
    fa 4 hores

    Ford Supercars hero Mark Winterbottom officially switches to Holden

  13. fa 4 hores

    Liberals announce hospital revamp that government has already started

  14. fa 4 hores

    Greens election candidate stood down following rape complaint

  15. ha retuitat
    fa 5 hores

    The AFL are keen to get tough on punching, but red card probably won't be introduced next year, reports

  16. ha retuitat
    fa 5 hores
  17. ha retuitat
    fa 5 hores

    Australians Cameron Smith and Marc Leishman snare a share of golf World Cup lead

  18. fa 5 hores

    Will Australia follow the US in reversing decades of foreign policy and move its diplomats from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Why has this come to the surface now? And why should we care? Download this week's episode of Please Explain on iTunes, Google Podcasts or wherever you get yours

  19. fa 6 hores

    The latest projections see Victoria as the fastest growing state in the country and a population that continues to age

  20. fa 6 hores

    "Straight up no way to recover from this," says a fellow comedian.


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