'I was fleeced by stealth by the local gym chain'

'I was fleeced by stealth by the local gym chain'

It all started when the gym was run by the then blue-branded Fitness First. I joined up, frequented it three times a week for about six months, then got existentially depressed by the cardio room and cancelled my membership.

I’d tried phoning my cancellation in but was told I had to go to the website.

I went to the website, navigated their "see if you can find the cancellation button" labyrinth game and clicked. I considered myself cancelled.

A week later, I saw the payment was still coming out of my account and so I called to cancel again.

Penelope Flanagan lost nearly $2000 because the gym failed to cancel her direct debit.

Penelope Flanagan lost nearly $2000 because the gym failed to cancel her direct debit.Credit:Peter Braig


“Oh don’t worry!” I was told. “The payments are in arrears, that’s the last one.”

More than two years later. My pants were too tight. The gym had changed its brand and it was now the orange-branded, Fit n Fast. I did the walk of shame to the front desk and asked to join up. I gave him my name.

“Oh you’re already a member!” He said, like this was good news. “We rolled all the Fitness First memberships into current Fit n Fast memberships when we took over the club.”

“But I cancelled that Fitness First membership over two years ago.” I assured him.

“No, your membership is still active.”

He handed me a Fit n Fast membership pack. I considered myself vanquished and surrendered to continuing rounds of payments from their orange brand.

Penelope Flanagan cancelled her credit card to ensure a direct debit cancellation took effect.

Penelope Flanagan cancelled her credit card to ensure a direct debit cancellation took effect.Credit:Peter Braig

In the meantime I decided to try to get my money back from Fitness First.

I combed back over my bank statements and noticed that at some point the debits tagged "Fitness First" had switched their tagging to "Ezi-Pay". Which is why I had missed them.

It added up to $1946.10

I called the Fitness First head office and spoke to a very bored woman who listened to my pathetic story of lax bank statement vigilance and virtually yawned as she advised me to get a signed affidavit and send it in to the "disputes team".


Some sort of secret trapdoor must have opened up and swallowed her as soon as she’d spoken to me, because after getting my affidavit in, I never heard back and I could never get her on the phone again.

The real fly in the ointment was: I had no written proof that I’d ever intended to or tried to cancel that membership.

I cut my losses and continued on with Fit n Fast.

Six months in I was bored again and wanted to cancel. This time for sure.

I took a typed letter to the front desk and handed it to the Lycra bunny du jour. She assured me she would "activate that" at the end of the day. I did not believe her for one second.


I went straight home and called the bank. After all, I say who can and can’t take money out of my bank account.

Well, sort of. Here’s what a staff member at the Commonwealth Bank contact centre told me.

If you give the gym your credit card number for the fortnightly membership payments, the only way to stop them taking your money at your end, is to cancel your credit card.

However, if you give them your savings account details for direct debits – the BSB and account number – you can actually stop the debits at your end by calling your bank and rescinding the authority to debit verbally.

According to the Australian Banking Association’s Banking Code of Practice, banks are obliged to process these cancellations themselves.

And if the bank tries to tell you to "contact the merchant" they are in breach of the banking code.

Unfortunately for me, I’d given Fitness First (and by default, Fit n Fast) my credit card numbers. So I did what any self-respecting financial fool would do. I cancelled my credit card and waited 10 days for a new one.

Take it from me, it’s the only way.

A Fitness First spokesperson said the chain offered a variety of membership options and published information about how to cancel online. Fit n Fast did not respond to requests for comment.