'Lazy' advisers push Australians to invest overseas

'Lazy' advisers push Australians to invest overseas

I remember going to New York in 2006 and John, my Wall Street broker host, asked me all about the Australian resources stocks. He could talk about Fortescue Metals in detail and knew who Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest was. I went back to New York last year and stayed with John again. But this time when I asked him what Australian stocks he was following his reply was, “None, Australia is so 2007”. The Australian market had its international moment of relevance during the resources boom, but it has gone, it was a moment.

Technology stocks on Wall Street are having a moment right now.

Technology stocks on Wall Street are having a moment right now.Credit:Photo: AFP

Since the end of 2009 the All Ordinaries index has dramatically underperformed the S&P 500, a large part of that underperformance can be put down to the unwinding of the resources boom. But more relevant has been the boom in the US technology sector, with no developed technology sector of our own that really left us behind. During the resources boom from 2001 to 2008-2009 the Australian market outperformed the US by 230 per cent. Since then we have underperformed by 63 per cent.

I have long been a critic of the perpetual drone of predictable product-selling financial planning advice that fits up every client with a globally diversified portfolio. I contend there is enough opportunity for investors to make money in Australia, in a market where they have an advantage, transparency of information, local “feel”, instant and cheap dealing, easy paperwork and relevant investment experience. So why, if you go to the average Australian financial planner, do you still come out with five managed funds invested in 10 asset classes across 6000 stocks from 10 countries exposed to five currencies? It is the laziness of that formula that offends me.

Diversification is a lame sales line used by product sellers who can't sell.


International investment is not always "better" or "clever" as some would have you believe, it is just another investment opportunity, sometimes a good one but not always. In other words it is not a perpetual necessity. We had our moment in the resources boom, China had their moment when the sharemarket opened and their economy was flying, the US is having their moment now with the growth in technology stocks. International investment is for sometimes not all the time, and it still has to be timed and focused, not applied at any time by scattergun and you certainly don't do it (do anything) in the name of diversification alone. Diversification is a lame sales line used by product sellers who can't sell.

The bottom line is international investment by Australians is not a necessity, it is simply another investment opportunity, one of many. If the best risk-reward ratio is in Australia you don’t need international investment – if it’s in international stocks then invest in international stocks. But it is not by definition a clever thing to do or a necessary thing to do, it is just one of the things you can do.

The main reasons for an Australian to invest internationally do not include a financial adviser telling you to diversify, but they do include the following:

  • To invest in a theme or a stock not available in Australia. Like US technology stocks. We have done that for clients by directly buying Amazon and Apple.
  • To take advantage of a falling Australian dollar. Investing outside Australia when the Australian dollar is going down provides a positive “tide” that makes earning a return on an international investment more likely and profitable than a similar investment in Australia. In ETFs by the way, understand whether they are hedged or unhedged. The best bits of international investment are when the Australian dollar is falling, some ETFs deliberately negate that advantage, they are not all the same. Check.
  • To expose yourself to growth in a period of Australian economic underperformance, which will be logically be accompanied by Australian dollar weakness. We are in such a period now. At the moment you will find that “growth” investment opportunities are more available in other markets. We have exposed ourselves to this by being heavily weighted in Australian stocks with international businesses. Costs in Australian dollars, revenues in US dollars. It all makes sense, when the Australian dollar is drifting.
  • To retain purchasing power parity. A weak Australian dollar doesn’t matter much if you live in Australia. But for retirees who want to buy a Mercedes (anything manufactured overseas) or travel a lot, a weak Australian dollar does matter. If you want to retain your international travelling and spending capacity then you should consider international investment as a way to retain your purchasing parity with the rest of the world when the Australian dollar is dropping on you. In other words globetrotting SMSF investors should have higher unhedged weightings to international investment than Australian grey nomads. The price of a McDonald's in Broome is that same as the price in Melbourne. But in London, or New York? Better order the medium meal, or buy an ETF over the S&P 500.

Marcus Padley is the author of the daily sharemarket newsletter Marcus Today. For a free trial of the Marcus Today newsletter, please go to marcustoday.com.au.

Marcus Padley is the author of the daily stock market newsletter Marcus Today.

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