Blines takes lead in Shares Race as lithium miners surge

Blines takes lead in Shares Race as lithium miners surge

Our tipsters have had better time of it in week two of the five-week Shares Race with a positive week on the Australian sharemarket following October's sell-off.

Tipsters with exposures to lithium miners and rare earths miners have done best.

Amanda Blines, a Money reader, has swapped places with Richard Pritchard, who plays as the Chartist, to lead the race with strong gains from Orocobre.

Lithium is used in rechargeable batteries.

Lithium is used in rechargeable batteries.Credit:James MacDonald

Her original $10,000 in the lithium and borax miner is worth $13,128.


Galaxy Resources, a lithium miner, is another of her good performers, with her original $10,000 in the miner now worth $12,740 to take her total portfolio to $108,901.

The Shares Race results for week two.

The Shares Race results for week two.Credit:Fairfax Media

Pritchard is only just behind Blines with a total portfolio value of $108,565.

Lynas remains his best performer with his original $10,000 in the rare earths miner worth $12,882.

He continues to do well from Boss Resources, a uranium miner, which is worth $12,500 from $11,607 last week.

Another of his picks, Titomic, which uses 3D printing to bring speed and scale to "metal additive" manufacturing, fell back to $11,962 from $12,658 last week.

BusinessDay reporter Clancy Yeates, who also holds Lynas, moves into third place.

Yeates holds Kidman Resources, the copper, gold and rare earths miner, which is the best performing of all the tipsters’ picks so far, with his original $10,000 worth $13,364.

As of the close on Thursday, the cut-off for the Shares Race, the S&P/ASX 200 finished the week at 5928 points, up almost 1.5 per cent.

Shares Race is a fantasy shares game. Players start with $100,000, divided evenly across 10 stocks.

Writes about personal finance for Fairfax Media, Sydney, Australia.

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