Good Weekend | The Sydney Morning Herald

Good Weekend

Inside the dogfight over Australia's wealthiest electorate

Inside the dogfight over Australia's wealthiest electorate

When the Liberal stronghold of Wentworth fell to Kerryn Phelps last month, the ramifications extended way beyond the wealthy Sydney enclave.

  • by Tim Elliott


'Right on our doorstep': Papua New Guinea's health crises hit home
Papua New Guinea

'Right on our doorstep': Papua New Guinea's health crises hit home

High maternal death rates. Tuberculosis. Polio. Leprosy. PNG is in the grip of multiple health crises – and that should worry everyone in Australia.

  • by Matt Wade
Counting down the days in God's waiting room

Counting down the days in God's waiting room

Spending your final years in a retirement home with your mind fully intact? Hell on earth.

  • by Richard Roe*
The childhood friends spruiking for the powerless
Two of Us

The childhood friends spruiking for the powerless

Lawyer Jeremy King and Melbourne Fringe CEO Simon Abrahams met at kindergarten and have been best friends ever since.

  • by Robyn Doreian
Reflections: Stone the crows!

Reflections: Stone the crows!

My fear of birds is overwhelming, completely exhausting and a constant battle.

  • by Jill Wild
How newsagents are fighting back against retail threats

How newsagents are fighting back against retail threats

By the 2000s newsagencies were receiving heavy blows to their profit margins. They needed a plan.

  • by Greg Callaghan
When foods fall out of fashion
Foreign correspondence

When foods fall out of fashion

Trends in food and drink are organic and mysterious - even snake sake may have had its day.

  • by Amelia Lester
The podcast documenting patriarchy through the ages

The podcast documenting patriarchy through the ages

Have you ever wondered, in this #MeToo era, where it all began? Why and how did patriarchy come about?

  • by Melissa Fyfe
Neil Perry's blue-eye trevalla with chermoula and potatoes

Neil Perry's blue-eye trevalla with chermoula and potatoes

This is an impressive but crackingly simple dish - just the thing for an easy weekend dinner.

  • by Neil Perry
Helen Goh's nectarine, polenta and basil loaf cake

Helen Goh's nectarine, polenta and basil loaf cake

Basil-flavoured sugar adds a subtle dimension to this pleasingly gritty Italian-style cake.

  • by Helen Goh
Indoors: Take up the mantel

Indoors: Take up the mantel

Mantelpieces are in vogue again - and there's lots you can do with them.

  • by Karen McCartney