Team | Canberra Cavalry News, Players & Match reports | Canberra Times


Bail refused for Canberra man accused of choking frail mother

Bail refused for Canberra man accused of choking frail mother

The woman alleged that her son used a pillow to push her down to the bed before saying "I'm going to f--king kill you this time".

  • by Alexandra Back


Japan link set to help Canberra Cavalry recruit
ACT sport

Japan link set to help Canberra Cavalry recruit

Players could look to join the Cavalry because of their links to a Japanese team if they come on board as a partner.

  • by David Polkinghorne
Cavalry set to become 'community' club after new owners step in

Cavalry set to become 'community' club after new owners step in

The Canberra Cavalry are set to become a community based Australian Baseball League club with an Asian twist.

  • by David Polkinghorne