Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Column 8

Column 8

Release the bats.


Rift widening at Broncos as Bennett impasse drags on

Rift widening at Broncos as Bennett impasse drags on

The Broncos failed to reach a settlement with their outgoing coach on Wednesday, exacerbating the schism between ex-players and the club's administration.

  • by Roy Masters
Identity and Test rugby: the problem with Pichot's Twitter list
Rugby Union

Identity and Test rugby: the problem with Pichot's Twitter list

Where to start on Agustin Pichot's 'foreign-born players' list.

  • by Georgina Robinson
How to fix a sick hospital: attend to its stressed health carers

How to fix a sick hospital: attend to its stressed health carers

The troubled new Northern Beaches Hospital can find a way out of its strife - by adopting a people-first policy.

  • by Jeffrey Braithwaite
The big question: how do we know which charities to support?

The big question: how do we know which charities to support?

Here’s a little primer on how to be a good donor, how to be a good charity; and what companies should do to make sure they are also supporting good causes.

  • by Jenna Price
George Papadopoulos spreading disinformation to Australia
North America

George Papadopoulos spreading disinformation to Australia

George Papadopoulos, a one-time adviser to the Donald Trump campaign, is promoting conspiracy theory aimed at Australia.

  • by Chris Zappone
The stockmarket is in worse shape than you think it is

The stockmarket is in worse shape than you think it is

Wall Street is no longer not just not great - it's downright awful.

  • by Stephen Gandel
The ego runneth over: Delusion of celebrity brings down another CEO

The ego runneth over: Delusion of celebrity brings down another CEO

The apparent downfall of Carlos Ghosn is the latest example of what can happen when top executives get caught up in the celebrity culture.

  • by Leonid Bershidsky
How public schools stop the music for our kids

How public schools stop the music for our kids

It is a mandatory part of the curriculum, but NSW students have a serious gap in their education because teachers are hopelessly ill-equipped to teach music.

  • by Richard Letts
Melbourne Storm, Swans well down list of Australasia's best teams

Melbourne Storm, Swans well down list of Australasia's best teams

Two water polo sides have come in ahead of the Storm, Roosters and Sydney Swans in a new list rating Australasia's best sports teams.

  • by Georgina Robinson
Tourism backlash overseas provides lessons for Australia
Small business

Tourism backlash overseas provides lessons for Australia

No holiday for locals who are struggling with hordes of international tourists.

  • by Tony Featherstone
'No free lunch': Get set to pay upfront for your mortgage broker
Banking & finance

'No free lunch': Get set to pay upfront for your mortgage broker

Borrowers will likely face flat mortgage broking fees as a result of the financial services royal commission, but they will save in the long run.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Morrison must avoid population populism

Morrison must avoid population populism

Immigration has made Australia a most prosperous nation.

No, let us not return to the 'happy as Larry' days

No, let us not return to the 'happy as Larry' days

It's easy to sit in judgment when occupying a position at the top of the perch, culturally blind to the pain experienced by others.

'Do you want to risk violence now, or poverty in 20 years?'
Life & relationships

'Do you want to risk violence now, or poverty in 20 years?'

Single women are in serious financial trouble as they get older, even if they haven’t had to deal with family violence.

  • by Jane Gilmore
Morrison's 'captain's call' on Israel embassy was a misguided stunt

Morrison's 'captain's call' on Israel embassy was a misguided stunt

The PM was naive to imagine he could significantly shift the Jewish vote and he ignored the overwhelming weight of informed opinion.

  • by John Hewson
In the Herald: November 22, 1975

In the Herald: November 22, 1975

A fossil for Christmas, a mail bomb addressed to the Governor-General, and the first transmission of a newspaper by satellite.

  • by Lyn Maccallum
On climate policy, Bill Shorten has learnt from the political disasters that swamped Gillard and Rudd

On climate policy, Bill Shorten has learnt from the political disasters that swamped Gillard and Rudd

Bill Shorten is making sure he does not repeat the pain of the last Labor government if he is leads the next one.

  • by David Crowe
The common factor in rugby league atrocities is plain to see

The common factor in rugby league atrocities is plain to see

Time and time again, year after year, the common factor in footballers either ruining their own lives or the lives of others is drinking.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
Commemoration without conscience: The War Memorial must remain sacred

Commemoration without conscience: The War Memorial must remain sacred

The Australian War Memorial should cease engaging in the mercenary drive to please corporate suits, and focus on the people it ostensibly serves.

  • by Peter Stanley
Column 8

Column 8

The conga line returns to politics.

Dubious world of AFL's Next Generation Academies

Dubious world of AFL's Next Generation Academies

No fewer than 15 players can be claimed by 10 clubs under the contentious Next Generation Academy rules.

  • by Jake Niall
Haysell Tennant, long-forgotten and tragic heroine of persecuted gay teachers

Haysell Tennant, long-forgotten and tragic heroine of persecuted gay teachers

When a Catholic school sacked her without offering a reason in 1975, teacher Haysell Tennant fought for her rights. She won in court, only to be excluded yet again from the classroom by her defiant employer.

  • by Paul Murphy
Logging deals are death warrants for native animals

Logging deals are death warrants for native animals

The Morrison government's plan to roll over forestry agreements for another generation is dire news for endangered species, writes the is the national director of the Wilderness Society.

  • by Lyndon Schneiders
Draft night: the story behind the picks

Draft night: the story behind the picks

The live trading of picks for the first time will add a whole new element to the national draft, but we take a look behind the scenes into the thought processes of clubs as they prepare for draft night.

  • by Sam McClure
Morrison must avoid population populism

Morrison must avoid population populism

Immigration, which has long accounted for the majority of Australia’s population growth, has delivered copious economic and cultural benefits.

Help those of us who walk a lonely street

Help those of us who walk a lonely street

Britain this year appointed the world’s first minister for loneliness. That is something we should debate emulating.

The great train robbery: why farmers are fighting the Inland Rail route

The great train robbery: why farmers are fighting the Inland Rail route

It promises to take freight between Brisbane and Melbourne in less than 24 hours, but the Inland Rail will cut through hundreds of farms - and farmers are not happy.

  • by Helen Hunt
It's robbing Peta to pay Peta, but still worthwhile
Super & retirement

It's robbing Peta to pay Peta, but still worthwhile

The proposal to let survivors of domestic violence get early access to superannuation has merit - but we can do better.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
O'Dwyer a good women's minister, but can she fix inequality in her party?
Life & relationships

O'Dwyer a good women's minister, but can she fix inequality in her party?

Kelly O'Dwyer is a great improvement on previous women's ministers, now, we need to see her fix inequality for women in her own party.

  • by Jenna Price
Poll points to big election issues

Poll points to big election issues

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten can both find cause for optimism in the latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

CBA boss Comyn, the cunning crusader
Banking & finance

CBA boss Comyn, the cunning crusader

We would have to score Matt Comyn seven out of 10 in this round of the royal commission hearings. He sustained barely a flesh wound.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Tips and traps of DIY super
Super & retirement

Tips and traps of DIY super

More than 1.1 million Australians are taking control of their superannuation by having their own self-managed super fund, but it's not for everyone.

  • by Olivia Maragna
PM plays race card to distract from cracks in system

PM plays race card to distract from cracks in system

Fair dinkum, Prime Minister. You're kidding. Which overcrowded trains, buses and schools? Why? Where? Compared with when?

It's not just a stock market bubble that's deflating

It's not just a stock market bubble that's deflating

The US stock market is grabbing most of the limelight, but there's another bubble deflating alongside it.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Credit card rewards points in further slide

Credit card rewards points in further slide

Rewards points are often not worth much if anything.

  • by John Collett
In the Herald: November 21, 1984

In the Herald: November 21, 1984

The return of the great railway pie, a not-so-great escape, and protest songs dominate the charts.

  • by Lyn Maccallum
Depth no longer an issue for Socceroos ahead of Asian Cup

Depth no longer an issue for Socceroos ahead of Asian Cup

In three friendlies, Graham Arnold has addressed Australia's longstanding problem of a lack of depth.

  • by Dominic Bossi
Making a needless enemy of Indonesia isn’t smart

Making a needless enemy of Indonesia isn’t smart

Scott Morrison appears, if extremely slowly, to be finally discovering the world beyond the mono-cultural Shire in southern Sydney.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Column 8

Column 8

A blooming great drive.

Scott Morrison's population pitch may resonate with voters

Scott Morrison's population pitch may resonate with voters

Migration will be a central issue in the upcoming federal election.

  • by David Crowe
'You’re an adult now, you can do whatever you want.' Yeah, not really
Life & relationships

'You’re an adult now, you can do whatever you want.' Yeah, not really

Like many children of migrant parents, Han Nguyen has been on the receiving end of that sentence.

  • by Han Nguyen
Will Craig McLachlan’s absence cast a shadow over The Blake Mysteries?
TV & radio

Will Craig McLachlan’s absence cast a shadow over The Blake Mysteries?

The popular series will return to television screens at the end of the month, but not as you knew it. 

  • by Broede Carmody
'Ironman' Prime Minister has tin ear on climate

'Ironman' Prime Minister has tin ear on climate

Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten can appear to be each other’s best asset as they prepare for the election.

ACA's speculative appeal wasn't worthy of review

ACA's speculative appeal wasn't worthy of review

The players' body wasn't acting on behalf of the players, so what was this all about?

  • by Greg Baum
Casual and gig economy workers missing out on benefits
Super & retirement

Casual and gig economy workers missing out on benefits

Times are changing, as are the rules, and it’s important to understand that if you’re a casual worker or you’re in the gig economy, you might be entitled to more benefits than you’ve been led to believe.

  • by Melissa Browne
Cricket's sticky wicket in dealing with Warner, Smith and Bancroft

Cricket's sticky wicket in dealing with Warner, Smith and Bancroft

There were many factors at play before Cricket Australia opted to uphold the bans of Smith, Warner and Bancroft.

  • by Jon Pierik
Fremantle Dockers start pre-season training: 5 things we noticed

Fremantle Dockers start pre-season training: 5 things we noticed

Monday's first pre-season training session featuring the entire Fremantle Dockers squad gave onlookers a glimpse as to who may play where in season 2019.

  • by David Prestipino
Campaign against wedding mag missed the point

Campaign against wedding mag missed the point

Australia surely voted for more equality, not for more bigotry.

  • by Duncan Fine
Morrison pours fuel on the extremist fire on our doorstep

Morrison pours fuel on the extremist fire on our doorstep

The Coalition government is playing a provocative hand with our national security.

  • by Roman Quaedvlieg