Grubby politics mars Labor’s policy wins

Grubby politics mars Labor’s policy wins

When the Victorian Parliament passed historic legislation to permit voluntary assisted dying a year ago, the community witnessed lawmakers at their best. Unshackled from party politics by a conscience vote, they respectfully debated and refined an enlightened law that on the cusp of the state election maintains bipartisan support.

Head to head: Matthew Guy and Daniel Andrews.

Head to head: Matthew Guy and Daniel Andrews.Credit:3aw

But this display of responsibility was a rarity in a Parliament that has been dismayingly marred by rorting and scandals, most of them involving Daniel Andrews’ ALP government, which snared victory four years ago after a lacklustre one-term Coalition administration.

The Age believes the Andrews government does, however, deserve another term partly because it has been successful in implementing several important policies and partly because ejecting a first-term team without compelling reasons is disruptive, exacerbating the tension between the need for long-term policies and the politics of a short-term electoral cycle.


The government merits support for embarking on much-needed infrastructure investment, including the highly successful level crossing removal program, roads and public transport.
It has also recognised the need to fix the mental health system and committed to addressing our appalling domestic violence problem. The investment in schools, hospitals and TAFE colleges will also help meet the needs of Melbourne’s rapidly expanding population.

After long neglect – something for which the ALP must take some responsibility, having been in power for 15 of the past 19 years – Mr Andrews is delivering on his promise to deal with Melbourne’s growing pains.

The budget has been well managed, but the next government will face declining revenue as the property market cools. On balance, continuity will serve Victoria better as it manages problems born of the success and allure of Melbourne.

But there are reservations about the government’s ruthless politics – perhaps the most egregious example of which is the ‘‘red shirts’’ rorting affair, in which the ALP was found to have siphoned public funds meant for electorate office duties into grassroots ALP party campaigns. That, combined with the expense rorts of government MPs and ongoing concerns about the influence of some recalcitrant unions, has lowered the voters’ regard for politicians.

The next Parliament, whatever its composition, should show more dignity and probity. If Labor is returned, as our poll today suggests it will be, and these rorts and scandals continue, it should undoubtedly be voted out in four years.

Although he has sought to make law-and-order issues dominant, Opposition Leader Matthew Guy also has a potentially strong regional development plan, including investment and tax concessions to encourage businesses to move to country towns to take some pressure off the capital.

It is crucial, whoever is in control, that these projects be independently vetted and transparently awarded and managed.


But Mr Guy’s platform is undermined by policies that evidence shows to be flawed: closing the safe-injecting trial in Richmond; mandatory sentencing; and mandatory incarceration of all who breach bail. Questions remain, too, about Mr Guy’s judgment; he has been seen as unduly accommodating of property developers. His notorious Lobster Cave dinner last year did not help, either.

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