Getting 'tougher' on crime won't make us safer

Getting 'tougher' on crime won't make us safer

It’s time for a frank discussion about justice and community safety.

Firstly, no matter what our political leaders spruik in the lead-up to the election, the truth is we can achieve both of these goals without building new prisons and locking up thousands more people.

Secondly, while our leaders can say, hand on heart, they don’t put a price on community safety, there is a limit to how far the public purse can stretch and there are always tough decisions to be made around the table come budget time.

Punitive responses are not creating a safer community.

Punitive responses are not creating a safer community.Credit:Paul Rovere

The number of adults in Victorian prisons has ballooned to around 8000 – almost double the 4394 of 10 years ago. A third of those are unsentenced and more than 500 will be released after less than a month, making it impossible to manage the churn inside prison or deliver effective treatment programs. It also causes upheaval to family and community connections, housing stability and work opportunities for people cycling in and out of custody.


There are a further 200 in Victorian youth detention – half of whom are unsentenced and awaiting trial.

All of this incarceration comes at a cost of around $1.6 billion per year.


So we must be smarter, respond to the causes of crime and find ways to deliver justice and community safety by investing in the right responses, at the right times. Otherwise we risk building more and more prisons at the expense of our schools, hospitals and state infrastructure.

Frankly, we’ve heard far too many bad ideas in the lead-up to the state election – and it’s time to call them out.

Boot camps, mandatory sentencing, routine GPS tracking after release, police in schools, police in shops, more police on trains, new offences and further changes to bail and parole are all on the table or under way.

It’s no wonder Victoria just opened a new prison and already plans to build another.

But these punitive responses are not creating a safer community. They are all failed ideas from other jurisdictions, populist pandering or misdirection dressed up as solutions to problems that don’t exist.


Take boot camps for example. While we would welcome further options for judges to divert young people from prison, it appears this proposal from the Opposition would in fact spend $5 million on drawing more young people into the justice system for low-level offending and offer a scheme that has already failed in the US, the UK and Queensland.

Worse still, the proposal would create a pipeline to prison for young people who "break the rules" while on the camp. It’s the worst kind of politics – create fear then propose expensive and outdated solutions that, at best, fail to address the issue and, at worst, perpetuate the problem by delivering more children to prison.

And what of the shadow attorney-general’s recent policy-on-the-run commitment to lock up anyone who breaches bail, regardless of how minor the offence? The policy announcement manages the difficult task of being ineffective, irresponsible, unsustainable and, ultimately, unworkable.

The Olearia Unit at Barwon Prison opened last year.

The Olearia Unit at Barwon Prison opened last year.Credit:Jason South

According to the Crime Stats Agency, the number of people who breach orders each year is well over 20,000. Putting an extra 20,000 low-level offenders in prison each year would have no tangible impact on identifying, charging or stopping serious criminal activity – it’s more likely to see your brother, neighbour or cousin in jail and with a stain on their character.

This says nothing of the fact we would have to spend billions building an extra seven or eight prisons around the state and then be saddled with an extra annual outlay in the hundreds of millions to house the additional inmates.

The central assumption driving many of the worst proposals is an idea that prison will "teach them a lesson" or deter people from criminal activity in the first place. But this is not true.


In fact, the opposite is true – all the evidence tells us that spending time in jail leads to further offending, often at an escalating rate. Almost half of all adults leaving prison return within two years. Prison, therefore, is not a deterrent, nor is it proving effective at rehabilitation.

Sadly, we know who will end up committing crimes and end up in our jails. It’s the children we fail early in life. Those in our child protection system, those with a mental illness and those suspended or expelled from our schools.

We must start with these children and their families, invest more and get them back on track. We must keep them safe, healthy and engaged with school. We must make them part of our community – not shun them and push them away.

And if they do need to be in prison, we must have skilled staff and the right programs to address offending behaviour and establish clear, practical pathways to employment and a more positive contribution to the community.

Our leaders hoping to form Victoria’s next government have a choice – they can commit to real and proven solutions to complex problems, or they can continue to plumb the depths of failed policy and empty platitudes.

Julie Edwards is CEO of Jesuit Social Services.