Making a needless enemy of Indonesia isn’t smart

Making a needless enemy of Indonesia isn’t smart

Remember September? Just two months ago, perhaps, for you and I and yet a lifetime in terms of Scott Morrison’s education about affairs of the world. The one-time tourism director responsible for yelling “where the bloody hell are you” at the rest of the world appears, if extremely slowly, to be finally discovering the world beyond the mono-cultural Shire in southern Sydney.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is always trying to score something more for free.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is always trying to score something more for free.Credit:AAP

The PM couldn’t be bothered making time to attend the Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting in September, even though this is by far the most crucial event in our neighbourhood. Now, suddenly, he’s woken up. Bizarre missteps, like disastrously suggesting we might move our Tel Aviv embassy to Jerusalem, show Morrison still apparently values the potential ballot of hard-line Wentworth Jewish voters more than our entire relationship with Indonesia (the largest Muslim nation in the world). Nevertheless, at least it’s a start.

If only he could manage to actually complete a sentence rather than just gabbling off the latest marketing slogan that’s been pushed in front of his eyes; if only he could manage to listen to a policy briefing before plunging off into his next misadventure; if only he exuded the possibility – however remote – that he genuinely believed and had thought about something.

Why, given such a confluence of events, Morrison might even be a possibility for re-election!


But Labor’s not worried and you can see why when you look at the detail. It’s all over the place.

Just look at his Pacific policies.

He’s proposing giving millions to commercial TV operators so they can re-broadcast programming via satellite. That’s not what the regions audiences want. Their desire is simple: put Radio Australia back on air. Guess, however, who will be particularly happy about this huge dollop of money for broadcasting without the dreary need to worry about ratings? Why, the big media players, of course. And this massive gift from the taxpayers pocket just happens to be coming before the election? Knock me down with a feather.

Then there’s the enormous road building and electricity providing projects. If these were genuinely commercially viable, then they would have been built long before now. By themselves they solve nothing. What’s the point of a road to nowhere if the urgent problems (remaining unaddressed) are better healthcare and the population explosion?

At the recent launch of the ANU’s excellent “Paradigm Shift” publication, Securing our Energy, Dr Edwina Fingleton-Smith made the critical point that power can’t, by itself, change anything in a subsistance village. Where does the money come from to buy the fridge, and where do you buy it? It’s lovely to watch the waves gently lapping across the lagoon in the centre of the island, but how do you connect to the internet without a satellite dish?

Oh, and who’s going to buy a new TV to watch the “Australian programming” we’re transmitting? Those who can afford to have got them already. That’s the reason short-wave radio is so popular in the islands, but this has so far eluded the marketing genius of our PM.

 Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Indonesian President Joko Widodo. We can’t trash foreign policy consistency for shoddy, domestic political gain.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Indonesian President Joko Widodo. We can’t trash foreign policy consistency for shoddy, domestic political gain.Credit:AAP

Worthwhile ideas rapidly becomes twisted out of shape as soon as other objectives are laid over the original, desirable ones, and yet this is exactly what Morrison appears unable to accept.

He’s always attempting to revert back to that original objective; always trying to score something more for free. Perhaps we need to understand that Morrison is, quite genuinely, the quintessential Aussie he bills himself as – and he’s got all the less desirable attributes that go with that. He wants something for nothing; he’s a blusterer; he’s not really across the detail; he’s a good time boy.

Unfortunately, in his job it’s always the particulars that brings you unstuck. Look at Kevin Rudd’s passing off Pink Batts, Julia Gillard’s attempt to resettle refugees in Cambodia; Tony Abbott’s tin ear for knighthoods, or Malcolm Turnbull’s more basic failure to count the numbers. All brought down by believing if you get the big calls right, the detail will look after itself. It doesn’t.

This is also the point about developing Manus as a naval base.

Although noting the many positive aspects of Morrison’s new focus on the Pacific (“time to open a new chapter”), the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s astute observer Michael Shoebridge noted “this language risks being received badly - almost as an ownership claim - in parts of the South Pacific.”


And the US, remember, used to have huge bases, bringing in massive amounts of hard currency, at Clark and Subic Bay in the Philippines. Today President Rodrigo Duterte spends more time serenading Beijing than singing Washington’s tune. Physical infrastructure doesn’t provide security: relationships do.

That’s why, while it’s all very well to say our foreign policy isn’t made in Jakarta, making a needless enemy of our nearest neighbour isn’t smart. This is something that Morrison needs to learn. We can’t trash foreign policy consistency for shoddy, domestic political gain.

Morrison seems to think pulling on a baseball cap offers him some kind of direct line into the thinking of middle-Australia. The reality is the reverse.

We’re a diverse country. Morrison’s bluster has, so far, failed to resonate with the country but it would be silly to dismiss the ability of the immigration to polarise the election. It doesn't matter if Labor isn't seen as the best economic manager, but it can’t afford any other vulnerabilities.

Nicholas Stuart is a Canberra author.