Tourism backlash overseas provides lessons for Australia

Tourism backlash overseas provides lessons for Australia

Are Australia’s largest cities at risk of being swamped by international tourists?

With almost 13 million international tourists expected to visit Australia annually by 2023-24, from 9.2 million in the year to September 2018, it’s worth asking how our governments are planning for the visitor boom and what it means for locals in congested cities.

And if the tourism industry is investing enough in new product, so that more people can visit more attractions and stay longer, without damaging the environment or way of life.

Are Australia's tourist hotspots ready for a rush in demand?

Are Australia's tourist hotspots ready for a rush in demand?Credit:Ben Rushton

The international experience is telling. There is a growing backlash against international tourism in Spain, Italy and other European countries. Protests have occurred in New Zealand as locals complain about so-called over-tourism at key attractions.


Venice took steps this year to segregate tourists and locals to tackle overcrowding, sparking protests. Other European cities are expected to block off areas for locals, and even parts of Asia are struggling with over-tourism as the number of visitors booms.


The tourism boom looks out of control in some cities. Annual international trips are expected to hit 1.8 billion by 2030, from about 300 million in 1980, according to data from the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).

UNWTO promotes responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, but too much of it is the opposite as millions of tourists flock to the same attractions.

I suspect tourism will be bigger than official forecasts with 1.5 billion people expected to join the middle-class by 2030, taking the number to 5.3 billion, according to the Brookings Institute.

Much of that growth is in Asia, and China leads the international tourism boom. Australia will receive 2.8 million visitors from China in 2023-24, estimates IBISWorld.

Another 4 million international tourists in Australia annually within five years, using IBISWorld data, seems modest compared to problems in popular European cities where annual tourism arrivals dwarf the local population.

But consider Australia’s tourism infrastructure and how it will cope with millions of extra visitors each year. Our largest airports are full and road congestion to them is worsening.

Our main tourism attractions and locations are crowded over summer when international and domestic tourists flock to the same spots. Accommodation shortages in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and other capitals is a recurring problem.

Australia’s tourism industry has lagged on building new attractions and upgrading existing ones. The Whitsunday islands in north Queensland, for example, is as beautiful as any tropical region overseas, yet many resorts there have been dormant or rundown for years. A property development boom is finally underway as foreigners invest in the region.

To be clear, I am a great believer in tourism and its prospects. Australian tourism could become a bigger export earner than mining within two decades, such is its potential. Those who complain about tourism overlook its economic benefits and job creation.

I have nothing against foreign investment in Australian tourism. The industry needs a larger capital injection and local investors collectively were too slow to see the opportunity. Still, it’s a shame if we lose another high-growth industry to overseas investors.

Granted, an investment boom in Australian tourism is underway, from new airports and upgrades to existing ones, to road and rail projects, casinos and hotels. But much of it will take years to complete and our tourism infrastructure will groan from the visitor crush in the next five years.

Thankfully, Australia is still a long way from the tourism backlash overseas, where protests are becoming larger and more aggressive each year. Locals want to take back their city and safeguard its sustainability from tourism plagues that grow by the year.

Still, we have not heard enough from federal, state and local governments – and the tourism industry – on how capital city resources will cope with another 4 million visitors annually within five years. If our main capital cities are overcrowded now and buckling under congestion, what will it be like when temporary visitor numbers swell?

We need to see more from the tourism industry – in words and actions – about its approach to sustainability and natural resources. New development in the Whitsundays is badly needed, but how will operators ensure the Great Barrier Reef is protected if thousands of extra tourists visit it each year, for example?

Sadly, lack of tourism supply and rising demand means three things. Higher prices for visitors and locals alike in tourism areas. Greater overcrowding. And inevitable public backlash as locals lose parts of their city to insatiable tourism demand.

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Tony Featherstone writes on Personal Finance specialising in Superannuation & SMSFs, Specialist Investments.