CBA boss Comyn, the cunning crusader

CBA boss Comyn, the cunning crusader

It took less than two days to recast Commonwealth Bank boss Matt Comyn from profit-obsessed banker to customer crusader - a bloke whose attempts to do the right thing were foiled at every turn. Yes, the public relations department at CBA is that good.

The only thing missing from the picture of Comyn giving evidence to the banking royal commission was a halo. They really should have sorted out that lighting.

CBA chairperson Catherine Livingstone and CEO Matt Comyn CEO: Great tag team.

CBA chairperson Catherine Livingstone and CEO Matt Comyn CEO: Great tag team.Credit:Attila Csaszar

To be painted as a saviour, Comyn needed a villain and CBA found three.

Comyn's predecessor, Ian Narev, was the obvious candidate and, thanks to a series of internal CBA documents read out during the commission hearings, he suited the role beautifully.


A taste of those in a minute.


The second scoundrel in CBA's tale was the former chairman, David Turner. According to Comyn, he presided over a board that didn’t seek opinions from management other than the chief executive.

Thus Comyn thought it would be fruitless to take his reformist ideas to the board. To be fair, Comyn probably also believed that going over his boss's head to push his agenda wasn’t a great career move.

No senior executive gets to take the chief executive’s role without an astute understanding of company politics.

We saw that in plain sight on Tuesday when Comyn suggested that current chairperson Catherine Livingstone ran the board in a more open manner. She would be far more inclined to listen to the dissenting views of senior management, according to Comyn.

True though this may be, one would hardly expect Comyn to bad-mouth his current chairperson and the person who gave him the top job.

"What is the difference between the board at the time [headed by Turner] and the board now?" senior counsel assisting the commission, Rowena Orr QC, asks.

"Without wanting to cast aspersions on any former directors, I think the chairman is very different," lobbs Comyn’s backhander.

Once Livingstone reached the witness box, she provided Comyn with harmonies as they sang from the same song sheet. (Before she was appointed chairperson, she spent 10 months as a CBA board member.)


Livingstone said during that time she was surprised to find the board asking so few questions of the executive team.

"I was quite surprised by the ... the lack of challenge," she said.

The third person Comyn threw under a bus was the former head of wealth management, Annabel Spring. She departed the bank as part of an executive spring-cleaning exercise (excuse the pun) at the end of last year shortly before Comyn’s appointment as chief executive was announced.

Spring was in charge of CBA's wealth management operations - the division in the headlines for its inventive profit-generating strategy of charging customers, including dead people, fees for no service.

Comyn the customer campaigner disagreed with Spring over what to do about selling insurance on lending products like credit cards. Comyn took the view that these products were deficiently sold, risked having to be remediated, and were marketed to many customers who were ineligible to use them.

CBA 'villians' get outed by Comyn.

CBA 'villians' get outed by Comyn.Credit:AAP

Spring, whose division manufactured these insurance products, wanted them to be retained, according to Comyn.

Unfortunately for Comyn, Narev took a similar view to Spring.

Comyn told the royal commission he repeatedly lobbied Narev to cease selling these products but at a meeting between the two was told by Narev to "temper your sense of justice".


A rebuked and irritated Comyn was persistent. He outlined other ways in which he attempted to have Narev review these troubled products. Despite assurances by Narev that he would commission another executive, David Cohen, to undertake a review, ultimately nothing happened.

Comyn said he wasn’t sure whether Cohen even received the instruction from Narev.

Later that same year (2016), Comyn tried again. He sent Narev an email with a series of questions that could be put to Spring (and which he would also answer) about how these products served customer needs.

Narev didn’t respond to the email.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

On Monday, the commission heard about Comyn’s attempts to overhaul the mortgage-broking remuneration structure from a commission-based model to a more customer friendly flat-fee model. He investigated the system in the Netherlands that uses fees rather than commissions and discussed the idea with Narev, who seemed less convinced, warning Comyn at one point: "History is littered with banks, even big ones, who try to take on the broker channel and lose."

A week before CBA was set to announce the overhaul of mortgage-broker remuneration, the plan was abandoned.

There were other snafus that didn’t paint Comyn in such a positive light. The Austrac money-laundering debacle was one.

But it was difficult for Orr to score too many points against Comyn on these issues. His repeated response to criticism about CBA’s behaviour was to roll over and admit to all the mistakes.

All in all, this round of the royal commission played pretty well for Comyn. We would have to score him seven out of 10. He sustained barely a flesh wound.

Elizabeth Knight comments on companies, markets and the economy.

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