Lady Cilento decision exposes government's trickiness

Lady Cilento decision exposes government's trickiness

You couldn’t make it up.

A government, wanting to use hundreds and hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ money to destroy the legacy of an early female leader, runs a dodgy poll to support its decision.

It's increasingly clear the government's rationale for removing Lady Cilento's name from the children's hospital was flawed.

It's increasingly clear the government's rationale for removing Lady Cilento's name from the children's hospital was flawed.Credit:Michelle Smith

And then when it’s revealed that's its whole rationale for ripping Lady Cilento’s memory from atop our public children’s hospital, it goes about its business as though this is how government runs.

It shouldn’t, and this issue reeks of a trickery that doesn’t usually envelop Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Lady Phyllis Dorothy Cilento in July 1942.

Lady Phyllis Dorothy Cilento in July 1942.

It’s also the type of bad behaviour that should be able to be investigated by a body such as the Crime and Corruption Commission - because the government has led us to believe this expensive policy decision has been dictated by our wishes, and the wishes of doctors at the hospital.


At least three senior doctors currently working at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (and it should remain with that name given the devious way it was changed) have told me they never saw a petition to change the name, and are vehemently opposed to it.

So are the public, going on the Health Minister Steven Miles’ ridiculous survey which has seen some IP addresses vote thousands of times. Thousands!

When they are removed, the public’s version is the exact opposite. They want Lady Cilento to remain - so how does the government now rationalise its proclamation that they are responding to a public demand?

In the scheme of government decisions, it might seem small. But it’s not, for two reasons: firstly, it points to a trickiness that should colour voters’ views of a government; and secondly, if the government is prepared to lie about this - because that’s what it looks like - what else might it lie about?

It was the same with the federal government and its decision to rip the heart out of Foodbank. In the operation of government, it’s small change - but it illustrated beautifully the disconnect between politicians and the rest of us.

Scott Morrison’s decision to acknowledge that mistake and reverse the funding cut has saved him a big backlash - but we know now that’s what the government is prepared to do, without absolutely any rationale (or perhaps knowledge of how many voters rely on its service).

His decision now to yell that ‘enough is enough’ and cut Australia’s migration intake is another example; are the 190,000 immigrants we take really the reason for our full buses, appalling traffic jams and packed schools? Or is that the politically-expedient rationale that the prime minister thinks is likely to win him support?

But it’s Garry Spence’s own goal, here in Queensland, that puts the LNP in close running for the gold medal in dodgy decision deciders.

The preselection threat faced by Tim Nicholls, Jann Stuckey and Steve Minnikin is a script fodder for a brand new series of The Thick of It.

They are being ostracised, ridiculed and threatened by their own party, for doing what the parliamentary party decided, and abiding by their conscience - for doing what they believed was right.

They should be applauded, not criticised. And LNP leader Deb Frecklington should show the public who runs the party and put the LNP machine back in its box - not least because it has taken the attention away from a rigged poll to justify a massive waste of taxpayers’ money.

We might have grown to accept poor decision making by our decision-makers. But this week has brought a new low.

Expect more.

Madonna King is a leading journalist and commentator who writes for the Brisbane Times. She was an award-winning mornings presenter on 612 ABC Brisbane and is a five-times author.