Call for more funding to meet 'untapped demand' for Legal Aid services

Call for more funding to meet 'untapped demand' for Legal Aid services

The number of people accessing Legal Aid services for family law and domestic violence matters  increased by 25 per cent over the past year.

Legal Aid lawyers worked on 12,636 family law matters over the past financial year - the highest annual number ever reported.

Kylie Beckhouse, director of family services at Legal Aid NSW, said the increase was "almost solely attributable" to new services being made available to dometic violence victims.

Ms Beckhouse said the increased uptake detailed in the Legal Aid NSW annual report was "a good news story".

"We are hoping more is invested in that space so we can provide those new services to people in regional NSW ... because we currently can't meet demand," Ms Beckhouse said.


The new services included the establishment of a new Domestic Violence Unit on the Central Coast, which services Wyong local court.

Four new services operating at family court registries in Parramatta, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, and funded by the federal government, also experienced high demand, with specialised family violence lawyers providing representation in more than 7600 cases over the last year.

Domestic Violence NSW chief executive Moo Baulch said the launch of the central coast unit was a "great step forward" but the need for services would "continue to grow as long as we have a strong police response and increased awareness around domestic violence."

Legal Aid chief executive Brendan Thomas said the organisation had developed its first five-
year plan to address the growing demand for services.

“Next year, we will improve our family law service in regional NSW and develop a new
strategy to address domestic violence," Mr Thomas said.

The annual report also showed a 14 per cent increase in clients accessing the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS), which are run by a range of different NGOs with funding from Legal Aid, and operate across 117 NSW courts.

The services help women secure legal protection against their violent partners.

The significant increase reflected the claims made by some NGOs earlier this year, amid an outcry over the state government's proposal to restructure the WDVCAS program and open a competitive tender process for new service contracts.

The government swiftly ditched the plan following a backlash, with one major provider - the Redfern Legal Centre - indicating it would not reapply to provide the court program due to the burden of the existing demand.

WDVCAS director Hayley Foster said almost 44,000 women accessed the court services over the past financial year - a figure which had doubled over the last four years, as the government's "Safer Pathways" referral program had been rolled out across the state.

Lisa Visentin is state political reporter. She has previously covered urban affairs, and worked in federal parliament.