Russia | Latest News Headlines | The Age


US to impose sanctions on Russia over nerve attack in UK

US to impose sanctions on Russia over nerve attack in UK

The United States said on Wednesday it had determined that the Russian government had used a nerve agent in the attack against a former Russian agent.


Assange 'considering' testifying on Russian role in Trump vote
Donald Trump

Assange 'considering' testifying on Russian role in Trump vote

The WikiLeaks editor allegedly played a key part in publishing Hillary Clinton campaign emails hacked by Russian military spies.

  • by Nick Miller
Russia casts action movie star Steven Seagal as special envoy to US
Russia probe

Russia casts action movie star Steven Seagal as special envoy to US

The star of 'Above the Law' and 'Out for Justice' will help to 'facilitate relations between Russia and the US in the humanitarian field".

Thousands of North Korean workers welcome in Russia: report

Thousands of North Korean workers welcome in Russia: report

More than 10,000 new North Korean workers have registered in Russia since September, according to reported official Russian figures.

  • by Kanishka Singh
Russia is 'keyboard click' from major election hack: US intel head

Russia is 'keyboard click' from major election hack: US intel head

Russian efforts to interfere in upcoming US midterm elections have yet to reach the intensity of the Kremlin's campaign to disrupt the 2016 presidential vote.

Paul Manafort's trial is about Putin, not tax evasion

Paul Manafort's trial is about Putin, not tax evasion

This trial is about how Russia moves money and buys influence. But we probably won't hear much about that in court.

  • by David Eckels Wade
13,000 died while in prison. Syrian regime points to health problems

13,000 died while in prison. Syrian regime points to health problems

Syrian government has begun updating the records of tens of thousands of activists who disappeared during the early stages of its seven-year civil war.

  • by Josie Ensor
'I told him about that': Putin says he invited Trump to Moscow
Donald Trump

'I told him about that': Putin says he invited Trump to Moscow

Putin says he had invited Trump to Moscow and that both he and the US President were ready for further summits, but that conditions needed to be right for a meeting to take place.

Trump knew about Trump Tower meeting with Russians, Cohen source to CNN

Trump knew about Trump Tower meeting with Russians, Cohen source to CNN

Trump has denied knowing in advance the meeting was going to take place, and he has denied that there was any collusion between his campaign and Russia.

  • by Eric Beech
Democrat vulnerable in reelection bid, targeted by Russian hackers

Democrat vulnerable in reelection bid, targeted by Russian hackers

US Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri was targeted by Russian government hackers who sought but failed to compromise her Senate computer network.

  • by Ellen Nakashima
Putin's soccer ball for Trump had chip that can transmit data to nearby phones
Donald Trump

Putin's soccer ball for Trump had chip that can transmit data to nearby phones

Logo markings on the ball indicate that it contains a chip with a tiny antenna that can transmit information to mobile phones.

  • by Vernon Silver